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Sammy_Lx last won the day on April 6 2024

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  1. Nam3less (core) Is looking for a starting Goalie Hit me up here or psn: Sammy_Lx 🤙
  2. BanThemAll +1 why don't you listen to us on this Kenu?!?!?!and sportsgamer??
  3. Nam3less (N/A) looking for a RD or LD Hit me up here or psn Sammy_Lx
  4. NAM3LESS (CORE) Is looking for RD/LD for ecl and other tournees. Hit me up here or psn Sammy_Lx
  5. Is there options to have just 6vs6 license? You cant just raise Prices if teams/players not want to play 1vs1 or 4vs4
  6. Nam3less (core) Looking for RD or LD next ECL and other tournees Hit me up here or psn: Sammy_Lx
  7. Nam3less (core) Looking for RD to ECL and other tournees Hit me up here or psn: Sammy_Lx
  8. @Kenu ??? Ban traits or not ? Ecl is starting so we need answers Tipper, trucu , Unstoppable Force , no contest.
  9. Please can we play this next ecl whitout tipper and trucu. KENU!!!!
  10. But that doesn't make them not overpowered. For example, pro players in COD have "Gentlemen's agreement" for certain guns/attachments. Eventho everybody can use those, they are not enjoyable for majority of players/viewers. We need that gentlemen rule. There is couple tournees left for this dogsh*t game so lets try to make this happen and have more enjoyable games
  11. Can we just have so called "gentlemen" rule.? Every match up can ban tipper and trucu!
  12. Same here 8% packet loss on Helsinki server
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