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Samilandia last won the day on March 10 2021

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  1. Free backup GK for pro/elite. I'm a bit frustrated for this game, so don't want to take starter place. I'm quite ok GK, responsible and very handsome. Sometimes I'm a little prick, but I can drink myself comfy so you can tolerate me. DM me in Discord or here. DC: samila87 PSN: Samilandia Twitch: Samila87 Tinder: Sami Lindgren, 36y, Lahti Finland
  2. Goalie looking for new opportunities. There are two active goalies in Ultimatum so one of us has to find a new team. I'm decent player and quite motivated with this game again. - I'm looking for at least top lite / pro - I'm looking for a starter place - I hope you speak Finnish Stats: https://sportsgamer.gg/players/6985#nhl PSN: Samilandia Discord: Samila#2646
  3. Free D. I can play both handed, but I'd prefer left handed stick. Age 34, handsome af. I think I play at least in elite level, but I think lite would be best place for me at the moment. Team should have at least some kind of play book. I also stream http://twitch.tv/samila87 Discord: Samila#2646
  4. RD is still searching team for upcoming ECL. I can be backup GK also. Psn: Samilandia Twitch: Samila87 Discord: Samila#2646
  5. OP etsii joukkuetta. Etsinnässä joukkue, joka on aktiivinen ja haluaa kehittyä entistä paremmaksi määrätietoisella pelityylillä. Vähintään täysi-ikäisiä tulisi olla, eikä haittaisi, vaikka jonkun verran huumoriakin löytyisi kopista Oon 33v jannu Lahesta, joka on pelannut vasta toukokuusta lähtien änäriä, mutta kehittynyt melko nopeaa tahtia. Striimailen jonkun verran myös Twitchissä http://twitch.tv/samila87 Psn id Samilandia https://nhlgamer.com/players/6985 RD is searching for team. I'd like to find a team that is active and willing to improve their game determinated. Players age should be at least 18 and team should have good sense of humor. I've just played NHL for about 8 months, but Im still rather good. Im 33 year old. I also stream for Twitch (link above). I prefer Finn teams. Thank you!
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