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Everything posted by NyambI4

  1. Virtual Horizons eSports Looking for Goalie, to complete the roster.
  2. Still looking for G
  3. Virtual Horizons eSports We are looking for 50/50 Goalie, for ECL Season. Contact here or Discord #Serg1vratar.vH#9410
  4. Virtual Horizons eSports looking for C/Rd and Back-up G to complete a roster
  5. Virtual Horizons looking for Back-up (or 50/50) Goalie and Rd UPD: only goalie PM here or psn. PSN: Serg1vratar or xMotzz_29
  6. Virtual Horizons eSports Out: @oo-joyst1ck-oo @ANIMALpak82 - > Perjantaipullo @Zoueli @mons3223 - > AIK Hockey @Freakmund In: @valta15 from Hc Reality Check @ilikkaa from Supremacy @xLVxRitchey from Sliver Sward Griffins @Serg1vratar from Bucketeers @Sluibaaja_88 from vacation @JanneK. (Januri98) from Butterfly Effect
  7. Virtual Horizons eSports looking for RD
  8. Virtual Horizons eSports looking for RD and G (50/50 games), for FCL and ECL 9.
  9. Free G FCL, living in Finland Previous ECL seasons: Bucketeers (ECL 8 Elite), Gotham Knights (ECL 6 Elite)
  10. https://twitter.com/HorizonsEsports/status/1126818405783363584
  11. Specator mode and Practice mode in CheL
  12. Puantso - MartinDalex - Flyerkungen Janzuh - Jerkix Cappe
  13. https://www.toornament.com/tournaments/2373225116548218880/information#
  14. Hello Sailors! We are hosting NHL 19 versus tournament, If you wish, you can take a part in it. You can go through rules by the link in below. https://www.faceit.com/en/nhl_19_PS4/tournament/63d8b843-e127-4678-8c32-1f2bdb6fc66b
  15. Due to the policy of our organization sponsors, we are currently looking for U-22 Finnish Defenders and Wingers, For more information contact me here or Psn. #VirtualHorizonsGG
  16. Virtual Horizons eSports are looking for Defender (Fin, Swe)
  17. 2 weeks after regular season is over, which wasn't best for us, as we didn't hit play-offs spot. We are about to announce couple changes in our roster. IN: @Serg1vratar <--- Bucketeers OUT: @Khemnos ---> Alliance HT @MAYZIIX ---> Alliance HT @JaikenK ---> Alliance HT @BladeRUSher95 ---> Alliance HT @Awptim ---> Alliance HT @berbaboon17 ----> FA @s_w1ld_rus ----> FA @Pair4You ----> FA? @Suolainen_kurkku -----> ? Thanks to Alliance HT for season and good luck in the future.
  18. After good fight and Eagle hunting we decide to go bars, and who we see here Bellizzi brothers , but we are ready for fight. Drunk battle starts at 21:30 CET. Line-up: @MAYZIIX - @Khemnos - @Kenu @Takeo_28 - @JaikenK @s_w1ld_rus www.twitch.tv/virtual_horizons_esports
  19. Basic lazy morning in the sea for Virtual Horizons, but cabin boy @Motya_1 wakes up and sees silhouttes never seen before "What is it?"- he asks from captain @Khemnos. Oh god they are here, he replies, running towards steering wheel and shouts: "Spartan hoplites are coming, palundra sailors!!". Sea battle starts at 21 CET Line-up: @Motya_1 - @Khemnos - @Kenu @MAYZIIX - @JaikenK @s_w1ld_rus www.twitch.com/virtual_horizons_eSports
  20. Recruiting department calls us and says that we have 2 signings to announce for you guys. Kenneth @Kenu Lehtinen #5 aka Evil Genius Jakob @berbaboon17 Arvidsson #8 aka Poika destroyer) Welcome new sailors on board. Art made by @cyberg
  21. @berbaboon17-> Virtual Horizons eSports @Kenu -> Virtual Horizons eSports
  22. Hei yo Sailors, our ECL8 PRO trip continues, and we are going to face Pata Hellalla on ice. Our line up for the fight: @Motya_1 - @Khemnos - @BladeRUSher95 @MAYZIIX - @JaikenK @s_w1ld_rus Battle starts at 20 CET(21 CEST, 22 Moscow) Check it out on our twitch channel: www.twitch.tv/vitual_horizons_esports
  23. Hey Sailors, The storm is on Horizon, What is it? It's Freddie Mercury resurrected. We are ready to fight vs him. We need to defend ECL 8 Pro of offense By him. Our line-up for this fight: @Motya_1 - @Khemnos - @Pair4You @MAYZIIX - @JaikenK @s_w1ld_rus The battle starts at 20:00 CET (21:00 CEST) (22:00 Moscow). Check it out here: www.twitch.tv/jaiken86 #VirtualHorizonsGG Virtual Horizons eSports Logo made by @cyberg
  24. #VirtualHorizonsGG
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