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Borjendahlen last won the day on September 12 2022

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  1. Why don't we just ban all the abilities and x-factors? In my opinion those have always been a bit unrealistic and "fantasy" type of things, one-tee is like everyone can shoot one-timers like Ovechkin (with better aim) and so on, it's a bit too much in my opinion. When these x-factors came to chel some years ago, my instant reaction back then was like why, why EA brings some fantasy traits for players, we don't need these kind of things. Without abilities and x-factors, there would be more options on how to put skill points on builds and because of that there might (yeah, just might) actually be more personalized builds, weight etc would matter more. Like it was back in the days. But like some others have said here, ban all or ban nothing, I would go with that if I had to choose. Yes, gold big tipper is waay too overpowered, but so is gold one-tee. In my opinion silver truculence is not too op, it has been nerfed for 2 years in a row and as I have been playing with and without it now in NHL 25, it just doesn’t give anything too op. Bumps don’t work with or without it (sometimes yes but not constantly) and as the hitting is harder in this game, only when you can make a big hit (which is not that easy imo) with trucu then the opponent loses more energy and takes some time to get up. But skating full speed your head down with 72 kg player and getting hammered on high speed might sometimes do that, no? But I can live without trucu, no worries. So after all, my opinion is that let’s ban all x-factors and abilities and play with skill points only, or at least try how that would work out. Playing without abilities would make this game “most realistic” as there would not be any fantasy skills etc and it would be fair for everyone. Let’s not just pick some abilities away and make this a floorball simulator, because this is hockey right? More than happy to hear your feelings and opinions on this one, let’s discuss about this. Toxic messages are taking all this to a wrong direction, for everyone. Thanks and sorry!
  2. Free LD or LW for upcoming tournaments🤠 Contact here or discord: Borjendahlen#7739
  3. Things do not always go as planned, so rip Cheers comeback With that being said, free LW/C for the upcoming tournaments (backup role is also considered in a certain situations). You can contact me here or PSN: Borjendahlen
  4. Cheersports IN: Borjendahlen (C) from Hawaii Hockey sambleri (A) from Sopranos maqruusi (A) from Sulkavan Sudet AhtiOnMahti from TeQuila SunRise Black1Eagle1 from UNI Gaming Ruandalaine from RPEAT ESPORTS X_KABA_X from Reality Check HC Welcome back boys! CHEERS IS BACK🍻
  5. After almost 2 years, multiple tournaments and games and up & downs, as a one of two founders and alternate captain of Cheers Hockey, it's time to move on for new challenges and new opportunities. Once a Cheers, always a Cheers🍻🧡 So here we go: Free LW/C (LD, if really needed) looking for a long-term team to compete on high level in upcoming ECL & other tournaments. Finnish (& half Swedish, language not that strong tho). You can contact me here or PSN: Borjendahlen https://nhlgamer.com/players/1989
  6. Cheers Hockey OUT: Fobba71 to DIKTATUURI RealTuffe Maasabt Once a Cheers, always a Cheers🧡
  7. Cheers Hockey (Pro) is looking for one (1) backup defender for the upcoming FCL. You can contact me here or PSN: Borjendahlen
  8. Cheers Hockey (PRO) are looking for long-term two defenders (LD/RD) who are ready to take big role right away. If you can play both LD/RD it's a big plus, but not must. Our roster stands at the moment at 2 goalies, 1 defender and 4 forwards so there is guaranteed ice-time, and otherwise we are ready! If interested, please contact me here or psn: Borjendahlen
  9. Jere❤️ Inspiring human and captain, looking up at you for sure! #raahe
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