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Posts posted by PuckinNutz

  1. The Krushed Ice, is a relatively new club, with a pair of experienced players at the helm. Right now we've just been playing as our schedule dictates, hoping to run into some club-aspiring players on drop-ins etc however we made this club relatively late into the NHL season for NHL 20, so we're struggling to find more players. 

    We are right now looking for all positions as both of us are flexible in what we play, we've primarily ran 3v3's just due to a shortage of players but we'd really enjoy playing 6's consistently. We are looking for players of all skill levels, we're not here to be uber competitive, as much as we'd like to win the majority of our games we want to have fun while playing, we don't require you to be the next NHLWunderkid.

    We prefer our players to;
    - Have a working headset
    - Have a good attitude, we all get pissed off at games but as long as you're not going to hurl your controller into your screen :)
    - Have general knowledge of basic NHL20

    Feel free to contact me here, or on PSN @ "PuckinNutz__" (two underscores after z)

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