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kemppainen39 last won the day on January 12

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  1. Free winger for upcoming tournaments Contact me here on Sportsgamer
  2. Free winger for upcoming tournaments. Contact me here or psn: kemppainen39 https://sportsgamer.gg/players/7678
  3. Free LW/C for upcoming tournaments Lite -> Contact me here on Sportsgamer https://sportsgamer.gg/players/7678#nhl
  4. BIG Mistake Our assistant captain Markalla2 has to step down from the games for a while. Therefore, we are looking for a new defender at short notice! We can also consider LW-position if the player is right for the job. We are playing in the Lite qualifiers, that start tomorrow. We offer a role, where you can play all the games in the qualifiers, and atm. all the games in the league where we end up going. Contact me, @Allupekkaz or @Atte91 here or on PSN, if you're interested.
  5. BIG Mistake In: @Allupekkaz Welcome Allu among the hogs! 💞🐗 We have now found every missing piece to our roster and we are ready to rumble! 🐗🔥
  6. BIG Mistake In: @Vilisopanen15 Out: @Youtube_Azzez @Finnish_hockeyking @Jesse6115 Thank you for the memories guys, and welcome Ruanda!
  7. BIG Mistake On top of looking for a LD, we are now looking for a starting RW Prefer finnish players! Contact me or @Atte91 here on Sportsgamer
  8. BIG Mistake Looking for starting LD If you feel like you would be the fitting player, contact me or @Atte91here or on PSN.
  9. BIG Mistake IN: @Youtube_Azzez @Finnish_hockeyking OUT: @IDangledYouOut @burban26 Thanks for your effort towards the team guys and welcome Anton and Niko!
  10. BIG Mistake IN: @Atte91(C) @kemppainen39 (A) @jjamboj (A) @HCFF_AKA @rapitzin @Pawetzki LOANS FOR FCL: @IDangledYouOut @burban26 Welcome boys! 😏 Let's get the party started! 😎
  11. BIG Mistake We are looking for a defender. We're going to attend FCL and after that we're finding out what level we're going to attend in. What our team is offering? - We play a lot - Lots of experience in form of players. What we expect from you? - We expect that you're willing to improve personally and that you're open to fix your own downsides as a player. The team helps you with that. - Previous experience is of course a good thing but not a must for us, as it's inevitable that there are some new hidden gems popping up in the scene. If you got interested, please message me or @Atte91 on here or on PSN.
  12. Free F for WECL contact me here or psn: kemppainen39
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