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Everything posted by nikitikitin

  1. Wida (Lite) Looking for players for FCL and ECL What we looking for? -Starter LD or RD -Backup C/RW/LW What are we looking for? Primarily, we are looking for players with Lite experience but everyone will be considered. We also hope for activity and a willingness to grow both individually and as a team. Contact me here, discord or psn: nikitikitin
  2. Wida (LITE) is looking for players! What we are looking for? -Forwards/Defenders We’re looking for active players to join our team! Lite/pro experience is a plus but not required. Finnish players are preferred, but everyone will be considered. The most important thing is a desire to improve both individually and as a team! Contact me here, psn or discord: nikitikitin
  3. Wida (Lite) hakusessa 2-3pelaajaa täydentään runkoo, jotta saa pelailtua aktiivisemmin😎 Ilmotuskielestäkin päätellen mielellään suomenkielellä operoidaan. Aktiivisuus ois kanssa hyvä juttu! LD/RD, C/W👯 Yhteyttähän voi ottaa täällä, discordissa tai ps viestillä ja kaikissa nimelle nikitikitin
  4. Wida (Lite karsinnat) hakusessa pakki täydentään runko😎 Ilmotuskielestäkin päätellen mielellään suomenkielellä operoidaan. Aktiivisuus ois kanssa hyvä juttu! LD/RD👯 Yhteyttähän voi ottaa täällä, discordissa tai ps viestillä ja kaikissa nimelle nikitikitin
  5. WIDA (Lite qualifying) Looking for LD/RD for upcoming tournaments. Contact me here, discord or psn: nikitikitin
  6. Wida (Core) Looking for 1 skater and 1 goalie Primarily long term players that can develop our team. Contact me Here or PSN: nikitikitin
  7. Wida (core) looking for backup/starter (F/D). For next season. Hope we can get long term players. Contact me here or psn: nikitikitin or psn: seosteve
  8. New team WIDA (Core) looking for one more player. Primarily defender and Finnish players Contact me here or psn: nikitikitin
  9. Wida (core) Looking for new players! F, D, G contact me here or psn: nikitikitin
  10. WIDA Esport We are looking for a few new players to join the team. We are looking for 2-4 active and motivated players. Looking for long term players. We are going to core next season. Preferably Finnish speaking but others will also be considered. 1-2 F 1 D 1 G contact me here or psn nikitikitin
  11. RED GOBLINS (Neo) looking for 1 new player for upcoming season. Position doesnt matter. Contact me here oe psn: nikitikitin
  12. Red Goblins looking for 1-2 players to ECL Spring Neo Starter/backup D Allround backup primarily finnish speaking players Contact me here on psn: nikitikitin
  13. New team Red Goblins still looking for new players. 1-2 F 1-2 D 50/50 or backup G
  14. Red Goblins looking for LD, RD & C for upcoming tournaments. Contact me here or psn: nikitikitin or LRE_Hyper
  15. free right-handed forward looking for team for upcoming tournaments🤌 (ps5) Contact me here or psn nikitikitin
  16. free LW for upcoming tournaments. Contact me here or psn nikitikitin
  17. Free agent for upcoming tournaments LW/LD/RW right Mielellää suomalaiset tiimit😅 sarjatasolla ei väliä
  18. Free LW for upcoming tournaments! Mielellää suomalaisia jengejä:D neo/core
  19. WRAH Esport (core) looking for: backup/50/50 G competitive/50/50 D We are looking for players that are active and motivated! Contact here or psn: nikitikitin
  20. Wrah Esport (Core) looking for: 1-2 F, backup/starter 1-2 D, backup/starter 1 G backup or 50/50 for the ecl and other tournaments! we expect players to be motivated to develop as a team, as well to help the team move forward! Contact me here or psn: nikitikitin
  21. Hc Kahlaajat (Core) looking for G ! Contact me here or psn nikitikitin
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