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Everything posted by ssampee37

  1. Free backup C/RD looking for team for upcoming ecl and tournaments. Contact me here or PSN: ssampee37
  2. Free backup C/RD looking for team for upcoming ecl and tournaments. Contact me here or PSN: ssampee37
  3. BoxinElite is looking for a starting C or RD for upcoming ECL. Contact me here or psn: ssampee37
  4. BoxinElite is looking for a backup/starter C or RD for upcoming Ecl and tournaments. We want a motivated and competitive player who could fight for a starting role in our team. Ice time is guaranteed Contact me here or psn: ssampee37
  5. Free C/RW for SCL Backup is fine psn: ssampee37
  6. Free C/RW Looking for a team for upcoming tournaments and ecl Contact me here or psn: ssampee37
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