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Everything posted by I_Alex28_I

  1. Kinda experienced seteli free as G/F for FCL https://sportsgamer.gg/players/47 Backup absolutely fine
  2. Free G for upcoming tournaments. Ready to grind and enough experience in Elite/Pro/Lite. Looking for top lite and above level, starter role. Hmu here or on psn for tryouts
  3. xd
  4. Thats a bit dramatic mate. Running down the boards for 60min straight isnt also. The best Players can avoid getting hit most of the time anyways.
  5. I get that. But you can counter it with Reverse Hits. Especially with bigger builds.
  6. Don't ban it. Its buffed anyways. Ofc meta straightline builds with 72kg 94 speed dont like getting ran over but hitting is a part of hockey. Talking about banning non skill based abilities. How is any perk like close quarters, one tee and so on skill based?
  7. Big Tipper needs to be removed. But so does one tee. Everyone is ovi suddenly. Time finish without one tee is hard enough to Stop for goalies, with that perk its impossible.
  8. Free G for upcoming tournaments https://sportsgamer.gg/players/470
  9. Free experienced G for FCL or SCL (maybe further on) Can be very active but 50/50/Backup could also work for the right fit. https://sportsgamer.gg/players/470
  10. Free LW/RW https://sportsgamer.gg/players/470 Can be really active but backup also fine for the right fit. Division doesnt matter
  11. I think big tipper and truckulence should still be banned. Qualyfier Games were horrible partly when teams just went for forcing big tipper 60mins straight
  12. Nice one! Love the random facts!
  13. I was forced because I couldnt catch a beach-ball, maybe I can hit some bodies at least instead 🤷🏻‍♂️
  14. What goalie ability are you scared of wtf 😂
  15. Free G for FCL Experienced, can play at least 4-times a week. Prefer a starting Spot, for the right fit Backup also is allright. Can Play Winger on both Sides also If needed. https://sportsgamer.gg/players/470#nhl
  16. I think its a good thing, even though price Pool should be updated in a direction that mid-table Elite Teams also have something to play for not only top 4 Teams. Like now we pay 1.000€ + Player licence for two seasons without having a chance at getting something back, when we could just go to Pro Div and fight for the win/money with less pay in.
  17. Free F or G for FCL/SCL can play 5 times a week. Both positions I m pretty experienced in. Would love to play starter but backup is fine for the right team also! Playercard: https://sportsgamer.gg/players/470#nhl
  18. Free for the upcoming FCL/SCL. Either RW/LW as well as Goalie works for me. Pretty experienced in each of those positions. Prefer Starting Spot since I m available 5 Times a week, but backup works too. Playercard: https://sportsgamer.gg/players/470#nhl
  19. Mach Mal respect auf mein Name Ya Salame
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