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News Record Comments posted by MartindalexC

  1. You can't expect to score using the same builds that were only able to score based on a busted xfactor, so yes using a 72 / 82kg pmd now will be harder to score with - but that doesn't mean goals will necessarily be harder to come by. 

    Want a harder shot? Make your guy heavier and sacrifice speed / acc / agility, or just dump more points into the shooting attributes. Alternatively, use a sniper so you have a harder shot by default. This is not a hard conundrum to solve imo

    Other player types exist. 


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  2. 9 hours ago, jahajaha93 said:


    Currently we are only involved with SESF in Sweden and SEUL in Finland and therefore licenses are only required for players of those nationalities to participate. We haven't communicated with other esports associations actively and are not aware if for example the British Esports Association offers competitive licenses for their players. 

    In short: Mandatory for Swedes & Finns, voluntary for others.

    From what I can tell we (Brits) don't actually have a formal 'federation' at all, the closest we have is the one you mentioned and even then that's just there as some sort of pseudo pr / advisory centre. 

    • Like 4
  3. 4 hours ago, Taunomaister1 said:

    im not only talking about  6on6 games. 1on1 versus was 99% like in nhl18 or 17. we had the new skating, but they even removed that? now in the latest tuner we have that skating again. I hate it when they do this every f time. i understand that it sucks for people that practise and all the hard work is gone. i play 6on6 games for "fun" even our team is trying to win the games we play. it doestn matter if our team looses a game because of this tuner, im still having more fun in the game than in the old tuner. that is just my opinion.

    The skating is literally the same now (tuner rollback) as it was last week, there's no difference whatsoever. The skating changes occurred through the patches that EA released, aka something the tuners cannot touch. So when you say "now in the latest tuner we have that skating again", I'm sorry but all you are feeling at the end of the day is a placebo.

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  4. 23 minutes ago, Taunomaister1 said:

    i can give u private lapdanceshow in 1on1 if u want? And just look the biggies like written guys..they dont have any problems playing this tuner. 

    Pointing to the team so head and shoulders above everyone else as proof that the tuner is good is a pretty poor argument, in fact all it shows, if anything, is that Written's players are so good that it doesn't even matter what tuner they're on since they'll still dome your ass anyway. 

    • Like 7
  5. Just now, janbonator said:

    So it seems! Well that settles the logic.

    In terms of color blindness I find the wording of the goal post rule pretty.. funky. "..This is due to color blindness concerns where individuals would not be able to see the goal if it was a specific color". I mean, it's not like the posts suddenly became invisible. The way the deficiencies in color sight work is that it is simply harder to distinguish between certain colors, say red-green or green-brown - can be others, but these are the most common. So in fact it matters less to color blind people if the posts are green or red than it does to people with a normal color sight.


    True, the wording should include some reference to the distinguishability of the posts, rather than the basic visible / not visible which it alludes to at the moment. The rule was drawn up due to a complaint by a member who said that they couldn't easily tell the difference between the posts and the crease due to their colour-blindness if my memory serves me correctly, so in effect this rule kills two birds with one stone. It accounts for any colour-blindness issues, as well as stopping people from changing the posts to colours that blend in with other aspects of the rink. 

    11 minutes ago, LastMandalorian said:

    Awesome! Just making sure I wont get a life time ban or anything.


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  6. 16 minutes ago, LastMandalorian said:

    I agree. But the rule is very broadly worded. The specific situation on the video is a quite clear exploitation of the game. But a fight for the puck infront of the net shouldnt count like one. Sliding across the goal to desperately keep the puck out of the net is not exploitation of the game in my opinion - even if it includes players going down. But it could still be included as an infraction as the rule is worded right now. 

    True, but in the example you're describing the rule wouldn't apply as the goalie is clearly making an attempt to save the puck. I'd posit that the rule in question is especially clear in that it specifically makes mention of rule 9.1 (Fair play). Sure, there's something to be said that someone could interfere with a player by making it seem as though they're playing 'normally' but how else would you describe the rule? Since we have to let goalies exit their crease from time to time so we cannot be too restrictive in the wording of it.

  7. 3 hours ago, Lauri said:

    Btw how is sky so high, after defeating 2 bottom 5 teams? 🤔

    In the first week they had an average to above average schedule strength, then in week two they had the flipside of that with an average to below average one. Overall then their schedule has been pretty middling thus far but it's the manner in which that they've won these games, rather than just the result alone. 

  8. 17 minutes ago, Mannheimer1938 said:

    My point of view is that if there happens an action on day x which has to be looked up by the LA, this day x is fact for the ruling of the LA. They were assistant captains at this time so the disqualification settle at day x and not on day x+5 when the final decision is published.

    Yeah, we all know that there are only English speaking people in the LA so there is no way of sending a message to them in English and their mother language.. anyways, if they asked for permission, they have to wait for the decision of the LA and not already switching captaincies and changing teams. This kind of behaviour insult that they didn't seem to try a big effort of keeping the team alive.

    Look, even Ape talked about Juizki basically being their spokesman before this shit even started to bubble over. Sure he wasn't technically an assistant or captain but if something walks like a dog and barks like one too, then it's a dog. The fact the LA is grasping at this as some sort of smoking gun is completely laughable. 

    In addition to this, how can you possibly sit there and say they didn't make "a big effort of keeping the team alive", are you privy to their discussions with LA? Besides, seen as people like to argue semantics, what even constitutes a "big effort"? Does it mean they have to pick up anybody with a pulse? Perhaps you would like to consider the fact that by the time this decision had finally been made 'official' the pro transfer deadline had passed, so if there were to pick up anybody they would almost certainly be completely out of their depth. 

    • Thanks 3
  9. 27 minutes ago, tbnantti said:

    What I meant was 13.8 states members that regardless of captaincy, members that were involved in the disqualification of their team will be banned. Judging by what's written here, they were. So I don't think it contradicts 13.4 at all.

    The issue with that last part of 13.8 is that it's never outlined what that exactly entails. Seen as people are looking to inject 'feelings over fact' (not directed at you I'd like to add) in this discussion of rules I would like to ask people to follow me on a hypothetical (in the truest sense of the word, this is an extreme example on purpose). 

    What happens if a captain sets up the team in a way where the assistants are given no ability to add players, change how decisions are made or anything along those lines? Essentially an autocratic system. Well, now say that this captain sets up a horrible team that doesn't gel in any way, so much so that it completely tanks the morale of everyone in the team and consequently people lose motivation to play because of this absolute ass of a GM / captain. At this stage do you seriously blame the assistants for the team shutting down, especially since they hold about as much power as a regular player? What if there was no discussion about how the assistant spots were assigned and they were just selected at random? Etc. 

    These are all questions / issues that SHOULD be outlined in the rules but for whatever reason, either through sheer hubris, or something else, they just simply aren't. 

  10. Just now, Mannheimer1938 said:

    Well, for what do have assistant captains then? That they have absolutely no responsibility in every case and are only named because the rulebook says so?
    I agree that this paragraph (13.4) is written a little bit sloppy but as 13.8 referes to this kind of situation it sticks for me.
    What did those two guys do? The captain left the sinking ship, that's crap for sure, but what kind of attitude you should have as an assistant captain? Step up for your team, take this role and try to do best out of it. For me it would be something like "pride" to finish the season as good as I can. For sure it could be very frustrating, but it is what it is. This should be a kind of codex to all of those guys who are in a leading role inside of a team. I know you earn nothing out of it as it's only a video game and I'm fully aware that it's nowhere written in the rule book and probably never will, but still, those captains and assistants have to take responsibility for all of the teams actions!
    When did they got transferred to Northern Ascendancy? Before or after it was clear they will brake up? Without having knowledge I would assume that it was after it and if it is so, due to this time of event they are responsible for the teams actions and for me it is that exactly after this event they got banned. So they can be transferred to Northern Ascendany but are banned for playing in ECL 7. You could also read the rule book this way. Sure, you can blame LA for writing this paragraph with some loop hole, but as a captain yourself, would you like to see that other captains will sneak through loop holes as well? I doubt it.
    For me it's the right call in case that everybody should take responsibility for their actions and don't snitch threw every written latter and try to make the best for themselves and give a damn to the integrity of this community. God damn, we don't do this for a living, there are and will be some mistakes. Please don't put every word or sentence under the microscope.

    We're not here to talk about the morality of the situation so anything bold is completely irrelevant to the topic at hand.

    Regarding the question after the paragraph I'd ask how can anyone make that call? Besides I forgot to mention that "There didn't seem to be any big efforts to fix this situation and instead of the captains asking the League Administration for help, players seemed to be wanting to transfer to other teams." (from the original post) is a complete bs technicality. The captains did contact LA through Juizki since he has the best english amongst them and thus would be able to lead the conversation between them and LA  better, so really this point is the biggest stretch out of this entire affair, kind of fitting it's by the LA. 

    Anyway, moving on to your point. What constitutes someone "being responsible"? Nowhere in the rule book does it even allude to such a concept. Now as you say "God damn, we don't do this for a living, there are and will be some mistakes. Please don't put every word or sentence under the microscope." I can respect this view, however this could all have been avoided by not putting in such a stupid rule as 6.2 that literally states you have to follow the written rules. If you wanted leeway then say something like 'while we would always like to apply the written rules, we cannot possibly account for every scenario and as such we reserve the right to over-rule anything written beforehand' but whoever wrote this had the hubris to think that such a problem would never arise, so really this is just reaping what you sow and nothing else 🤷‍♂️.

  11. 5 minutes ago, tbnantti said:

    I'm not involved in the situation in any shape or form, but I think you're misinterpreting the rules in this instance. Assistant captains don't get a "free pass" to leave a folding team just because 13.4 says so. 13.8 says even other roster players are banned if they're involved in the disqualification. Judging by the LA decision (again, I don't necessarily have all the information needed), there was some monkey business as well. So I don't think it's black and white.

    I acknowledged that the two rules contradict themselves. The problem arises when you realise that 13.4 was added (27th Feb 2017) to the rule book after 13.8 was already there and as a direct replacement for it, therefore the LA applying a clearly obselete rule is just completely asinine.  It's their fault they didn't rectify this discrepancy in the 3 editions of the rule book since, not mine for applying the rule as indicated. 

  12. Oh where do I start? May as well use the rules you guys used to somehow support this absolute [insert word here to fit your emotion] decision.

    Team captains are not allowed to be transferred during a league/tournament. Team assistant captains are allowed to transfer in case the team captain agrees to a transfer. In case the team captain disagrees, an assistant captain is not allowed to be transferred to another team. This paragraph also applies if a team is not able to finish the tournament for whatever reason.”

    If a team is disqualified, its managers are banned from the league/tournament. The other roster players are free to transfer to another team, unless they were proven involved in the disqualification of their team, in which case they are also banned.”

    So 13.4 is pretty key in that it EXPLICITLY states "This paragraph also applies if a team is not able to finish the tournament for whatever reason.", In non-bloated speak that means "team assistant captains" are allowed to change teams if the captain consents to it, Ape did so why the actual shit was this not applied? This is where you say "it wasn't used because 13.8 (which is contradictory in nature) states otherwise". But wait, 13.8 is not only completely contradictory but it is also GENERAL. What kind of backwards ass rule system applies a general rule over one that is much more specific in nature? In fact, why not top off this pile of excrement with the fact that 13.4 was written AFTER 13.8 was already a rule, meaning that 13.4 was conceived to REPLACE 13.8, jesus christ wtf.

    May as well throw this in here since it's shady as shit in my honest opinion, all previous rule threads are hidden, meaning unless you have special privileges you can't see this 'rulebook' (if you can even call it that at this point, since you obviously don't treat it as such) unfold in all of its idiocy. Also, I would like to point out that a member of your admin crew has seemingly deleted posts which show them in a not so good light, great transparency 10/10.

     I would also like to draw attention to another rule that shows how absolutely pants on backwards [expletive] anyone involved in this decision has been.

    League Administration must stick to all of the written rules at any time. League Administration is allowed to add further clarification to existing rules if deemed necessary. If League Administration is required to process a case that is not covered by any of the existing rules, it is allowed to add new rules throughout a league/tournament to cover these scenarios.”

    But wait, you see the problem here? 6.2 states they (LA) must stick to the written rules at any time. No where in that 'rulebook' is there specific mention as to what the intention behind the rule is. But shit, I guess that explains why you selectively chose to follow an older more general rule as opposed to a newer one that DIRECTLY pertains to the situation at hand. That’s fine though, after all, what are rules if they’re not meant to be broken right? 


    • Sad 1
  13. 1 minute ago, AshtonArmy said:

    Not online though. Online are mix with Youth players and 18+ players as pro are not allowed to play in online leagues due to CWL Rule book and with the way online League buy-ins work they are around £30 for online leagues fess with a Full team with prize pool of around £300 - £1,000 deepening on entry fees total. Most org prefer to just pay the whole entry fee than players fess.      

    So they're having orgs front the bill towards a buy in of 300-1000?

    Besides, all of this doesn't matter if people can't show up. 

  14. 2 minutes ago, AshtonArmy said:

    They do it in call of duty online leagues and Lan events. Some start around 6PM on Friday and Saturday to make time for that people that work, Online leagues get around 200+ viewers during playoffs weekend on twitch.  

    They have professional players though that are paid to play, we don't have that for the most part. 

  15. 42 minutes ago, AshtonArmy said:

    For playoffs why don"t you introduce a championship playoffs weekend were teams play in a Winner and Loser Bracket tournament throughout one weekend. It has worked in many eSports tournaments before. Just a idea.It would get a lot more eSports teams involved.    

    I doubt most people would have the time to do that

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  16. 3 minutes ago, PSchibra said:

    Seems strange to give more incentive to let the CPU play defence. Thought they were completely opposed to that this year

    They're stopping the player from randomly getting punished for no reason (I.e. RNG) from their AI just going bush league on a guy and slashing his face off. 

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  17. 5 minutes ago, Tacterz said:


    2. After you have played a game it says "next game in 00:56" for example. I think you should remove the limited time you have after a game. After games I like to watch stats and also highlights. And highlights aren't even available to watch after the games anymore?? You need to bring that back. I think it would be cool if you could watch highlights and stats of the game even after you quit or close the application. 


    Just go into the instant replay and it will remove this countdown. As for the action tracker it has to be an oversight on behalf of the devs as it's available during the game under the game stats tab, for some reason though it's not there in the post game menus. 

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