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Everything posted by Reebuki

  1. Hi free player for the next ecl season as a position I have rw c or goalkeeper and I've also played defender so that's fine too, diviri doesn't matter if I get to play and I can be a starter or a 50/50 player (backup) hit message here or discord Tepanzki#9897 ☺️
  2. Free 50/50 or backup G or RD ecl lite/pro Psn:Tepanzki dc:Tepanzki#9897
  3. Hi our team needs a 50/50 or backup defender (RD) (GoodVibes Hockey Group) pro qualifiers message here or on discord tepanzki#9897
  4. free agent next tuornaments!

  5. GOODVIBES HOCKEY GROUP core/lite pelataan europe 6vs6 turnausta FIN/ENG Etsii muutamaa pakkia joukkueeseen jos osaat pelata kummallakin puolen se on hyvä! Olemme hyvällä huumorilla varustettu joukkue! Peli aikaa on tarjolla! We need LD or RD /couple devense man! We have good humor in our team! send message me or napalmjayhee 🏒🍺
  6. Moro goodvibes hockey club etsii aktiivista mokkea niin sanottua ykkös veskaa ja centteri ja pakkia laita mulle tai napalmjayhee viestii goodvibes hockey club is looking for a goalkeeper and center forward and defenseman message me or napalmjayhee
  7. Free agent LW C RW LD RD FIN Kaikki mahollisuudet otetaa vastaa Im finding for a new place to this current ecl tournamet game. 😊
  8. Free agent next tournaments LW RW LD RD ☺️
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