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  1. Free D Both handed def looking for a team. Top Neo/mid Core/shitty Lite - everything goes. Backup role also fine. Can play also other positions as a backup, even G. Speak English and Finnish. Nerves of steel. Psn: mike_v_75
  2. Free D, both handed. Can also play F if needed. Speak English and Finnish. Psn: mike_v_75
  3. Alfa is looking for a goalie and a left wing. We started in the beginning of 2021 as a new team and played our first season in Core division, which is unfortunately ended for us already after first play-off stage. Now we are aiming to the next season which we hope to go better. We are playing 4-5 days a week, starting about 20:00..21:00 Finnish time. The team language is Finnish, but we are also ok with English. Contact team captain: @Jercee_ (psn: Jercee_) or me (psn: mike_v_75)
  4. Today the final games of our tournament were played and we are congratulating our winner - Russian Lightning! During two weeks we played 12 matches in a group stage and 7 matches in a playoff. For us as a new team was really good experience to try ourself in a more challenging games and also watch other teams playing. Unfortunately for us tournament ended already in a 1/4 where we lost to the future champion in a thrilling overtime of a third game in best of 3 series, but we got positive emotions even from that loss. Another tough clash we watched in a 1/2 where Kateismaksu, who was unbeatable in a Group 2, lost 1:2 to HC SHH, the second in Group 1. Thanks for everyone involved, good luck in future tournaments and see you again! These are the results of our games: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1xsVSp0G0xiGTMLSN0FjINhk2QMINaI86DAv7nRxCDgE/edit?usp=sharing
  5. Thanks everyone for your interest! We have now 8 teams and unfortunately we cannot accept more. I will send message with instructions to all participants.
  6. Our team, ALFA is preparing for our first ECL season and we are looking for some practice games to make it a bit more competitive than a regular EASHL seasons. Will anyone be interested to play a small friendly tournament? Thinking about 4-6 teams of Lite/Core/Neo level to make it in 1-2 weeks. Please contact me here or on psn: mike_v_75 ------------------------ Here is the list of teams participating: 1. Alfa (mike_v_75) 2. Russian Lightning (povares) 3. Bahamas Mamas (I_Sune_I) 4. Mega (Soccerist) 5. Kateismaksu (jjake57) 6. HC SHH (daddyryybs) 7. Old Hogs (Buddhaiser) 8. Saucer Hockey (Bantubox) ------ List closed
  7. HC Bad Boys looking for starting lineup LW, who can move puck well and have a great game IQ. Also we looking for RD, who is good in both offence and defence. Preferably Finnish speaking, but English is also enough. Psn: mike_v_75
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