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Everything posted by Ivanjunior34

  1. Looking a team for upcoming ECL. can play LD, C, RW. Speak english. north Europe teams prefer contact for tryout please
  2. Free C/RW/LD next ECL. Looking at least a CORE. Played all seasons on C, supporting is RW and LD Speak English and Russian. Psn: Ivanjunior34 https://nhlgamer.com/players/5563 waiting for tryouts
  3. Free LD next ECL. Looking at least a CORE. Played all seasons on C, now playing is LD. strong side: playing without puck, position in defensive zone, defensive actions. Feeling best when playing like defender-homester, but can support offensive of course. Speak English and Russian. Psn: Ivanjunior34 https://nhlgamer.com/players/5563 waiting for tryouts
  4. Free player (C, RW, LD) for summer cups and next season. At least ECL CORE and higher. previous time seasons played on ping 55. from end of July will play on ping 15. contact in pm.
  5. Free G for GCL, WECL and other leagues exclude ECL. waiting inquires for tryout, psn Ivanjunior34
  6. Top🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
  7. Hello everybody. i m player with huge experience in HUT (Top-100 hut championship) trying to open for me is EASHL. Now playing in ECL neo, my team not everyday have a practice, but I want to play everyday. If any team need C for practices, I m ready to play for you, because wanna get more experience, will be happy to play with strong teams for improving my skills please contact me by psn ivanjunior34 or PM here if you have a free place.
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  8. Free C/LW/RW looking a team. played only in Random games face-off stats >60% in random games 4.2 points per game wanna to start in ECL Neo or Lite Any language team, ready for tryouts psn ivanjunior34
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