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  1. Ye, fine to pay but not how it is now. Always rescheduling problems and rules that are not followed.
  2. Tauri

    ECL 12 Qualifiers Info

  3. Södertälje SK, a swedish team looking for a starting goalie for pro qualifier.
  4. Tauri

    ECL 12 Season Information

    ECL Pro & ECL Lite Qualifiers 12.4-29.4 Regular Season Kick-Off Dates: ECL Lite 9.5 ECL Pro 20.5 Why 2 extra weeks of waiting for pro-teams..? Why no kick-off 3.5?
  5. I don't think anyone has anything against Fila or LHC. What we are talking about is that the swedish community became very excited about a swedish league. Considering how the rules for SCL, RCL and GCL are, many got disappointed. And the hype for local teams went down, and I am just talking about the expectations for a swedish league.And the recurring question, how will this be different from ECL Elite(some team from pro..)? And when the limit of teams for this league is so low, it does it even more harder for the swedish community to get involved.
  6. Swedish hockey league Edit: Can't see the point of having a swedish league without the rules that only allows 1-2 foreign players on the ice, as in the german and russian league and as we had in the earlier swedish league? Isn't this just going to give us a another european league with fewer teams? Edit 2.0 (since I am not allowed to comment on this site any more) Edit by Admin: Sorry, accidentally had you assigned to the wrong user group! Should be fixed now! Exactly. The swedish community, and some others, was very excited when the word about a swedish league came out. The disappointment when we realized that this is just another european league just killed the hype. I know many people outside this community that thougt it would be fun to follow a swedish league with the swedish teams. Ridiculous many say.. Most of this comes from the side that not belongs to the top-swedish teams. The side that was supposed to growth and bring new audience(?). Agree. Why have different leagues as rcl gcl shl and ecl if they all will look the same? Pointless..
  7. in club members menu? edit: oh, do you mean here on nhlgamer? in that case you have to wait until next tournament.
  8. Something we are working on / looking into.... same answers every year, wtf do the guys at ea sports do?
  9. Why not? Edit: Or do you mean that the puck deflects into the stands after you have accidentally shot on the back of your own net?
  10. Passing feels different, I like it.
  11. The scoreboard.. The rebounds from goalies of a shot from middle zone for example.. Back skate faster than McDavid skates forward..
  12. The replay after every period...
  13. Whats up with the back skate
  14. Nice patch
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