Free LD/C - Top Core or Lite team
I can play from 20h CET minimum 2 days per week and some weeks every day. I play NHL every day (HUT or as random)
I'm from the Central Server but I don't have problems to play in the North Server.
PSN: ANieves74 / Discord: ANieves74#1654
Free LD/C for upcoming tournaments, I'm from Spain (Central Europe Server) but I can play in North Server too. No matter division and I can be backup if I can be part of the rotation in leagues and seasons.
Because my job I can't play every day but minimum I can play two days per week, some weeks I can play every day. When I can't play CHEL I play HUT, so I play NHL every day.
I speak English.
PSN: ANieves74
Discord: ANieves74#1654
The Expendables are looking for F and RD.
We are a new team from Central Europe (we don't care where you are from) and we are looking for the last two members of the team.
Actually we are 8 on the roster and we would like to find a C/RW and a RD.
We seek for active player who can play at evening (we play every evening from 8pm to 2am UTC+2) and we going to play the next ECL. We don't need backups, we just want to make a team with 9/10 players and depends of the oponent we'll decide who plays.
If you are interested to try out with us please contact Miky (Psn: MikyGBro) or me (Psn: ANieves74) - Twitter: @expendablesECL - Ranking: The Expendables
The Expendables are looking for a RD.
We are a new team from Central Europe (we don't care where you are from) and we are looking for the last member of the team.
Actually we are 8 on the roster and we would like to find a RD (if can play like RW too will be better).
We seek for active player who can play at evening (we play every evening from 8pm to 2am UTC+2) and we going to play the next ECL. We don't need backups, we just want to make a team with 9 players and depends of the oponent we'll decide who plays.
If you are interested to try out with us please contact me (Psn: ANieves74) or with Miky (Psn: MikyGBro) - Twitter: @expendablesECL
The Expendables are looking for new Defender.
We are a new team from Central Europe and we are looking for the last member of the team.
Actually we are 7 on the roster and we would like to find a Defender (better both sides).
We seek for active player who can play at evening (we play every evening from 8pm to 2am UTC+2) and we would like to play the next ECL. We don't need backups because we just want to make a team with 8 players and depends of the oponent we'll decide who plays.
If you are interested to try out with us please contact me (Psn: ANieves74) or with Miky (Psn: MikyGBro) - Twitter: @expendablesECL
The Expendables are looking for new team members.
We are a new team from Central Europe and we are looking for three new team members.
Actually we are 6 on the roster and we would like to find a Forward, a Defender and a Goalie (if we find two Defenders and a Goalie will be ok).
We seek for active players who can play at evening (we play every evening from 8pm to 2am UTC+2) and we would like to play the next ECL. We don't need backups because we just want to make a team with 8/9 players and depends of the oponent we'll decide who plays.
If you are interested to try out with us please contact me (Psn: ANieves74) or with Miky (Psn: MikyGBro) - Twitter: @expendablesECL