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jtorro-_- last won the day on February 8 2023

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  1. Free agent Playing LD and RD open to take backup role where I have the chance to fight for main lineup. Pm me on Twitter,WhatsApp,discord or here on nhlgamer. 😎
  2. Free dman looking for a new team. Played the last seasons in Filadelphia and Written in the stars
  3. Free agent for spring league any pos but g Psn jtorro_ or pm
  4. 32 -> 16 örebro, Sweden
  5. This topic is interesting and it's time to start talk about this with NHLGamer Staff, including community, teams and players. Ofc, we need different opinions... We have now played three different versions of EA Sports NHL (16, 17, 18) and six European Champions Leagues, but without any prizes (Summer Cup 2 included some). Outside community (Discord, Playstation Party Chat, Private Chats...) we have heard most competitive players talking about this. Do we have enough motivation anymore to play Leagues without any prizes? Why do we play? Just for fun? Beacuse of glory and reputation? But we want more! If NHLGamer can't offer to us something bigger in future, is there any other site who can do that? Yes there is, outside EU, in NA, for example. NHLGamer has always been great site, offering differentservices for different kind of players. Now there is a lots of players who are asking for new services and what if NHLGamer doesn't meet their customer base with this? Exactly, players are leaving to the other site with better services. It's time to listen player base once again and try to improve and grow-up together! In NA we have seen many different 6v6 Leagues with prizes and feedback has beengreat, at least what we have heard. So why this kind of thing would not work in Europe too? We have already waited too long for this so it's time to start discussion. What everyone (NHLGamer Staff) is waiting for? Maybe some outsider coming and paying whole thing? Or is there enough teams (players) who are ready to pay to participate? Buy-In per Team can be anything between 10€ to 200€. It's true most competitive 6v6 players are coming from Elite Top Teams. Or are they? That's why we need different opinions from Elite, Pro and Lite. What do you guys think? Teams like Carlsberg HC, Northern Ascendancy, Written In The Stars, Dynasty, Sjukstugan, SJK eSports, Northern Stars, Filadelphia, Monarchs, others? We know there is players who wants this to happen. There is also players who are not interested about this "having money or prizes" thing but this is not for you then. Lots of money is moving in 1v1 leagues and now we need money to 6v6 also! NHLGamer, where we are at the moment? Where we are going? With this topic we wanna start discussion and hear different opinions from other players! One thing is sure, moneyleague (or whatever you wanna call it) will happen in NHL 19. If it's not here, then it's time to move on and search for new community! Feel free to say anything what comes into your mind. We know this post is kind of "straight-talking" but this is one of the things, what this community needs! Cheers.
  6. #RipnorrisTorro is over 👌
  7. #wannabepena
  8. Haha lycka till
  9. No particular order LW:Puantso,plee,Mukimaisteri,Vilu,PajenC32 C:Seppo,Patzlaf,Pena,Tbantti,Norpee RW:Leksa,Jumalpeku,Indi969,flyer,ape LD:Janzuh,Nyli,Veskuline,Rullstolskalas,Ulla RD:Snapu,Vata,Fbiandy,Totalii,Willekunq G:wildrus,Danielcadabra ,|Cappe|,Swag,Sandr0hh Cheers 🍻
  10. Do Everyone in the team need to play like 2,3 games ? Or Can the captain decide that someone in the team Doesnt play at all?
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