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Bugimir last won the day on September 17 2017

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  1. Massive thanks to @Kenu and the staff for your hard work. Never had so much fun playing the game, and I really hope we can have these LAN opportunities in the future Congrats to FILA, hell of a series 😅
  2. Fuck you're trying to get it sound like he refused to play every time SJK suggested. If two teams schedule games and one can play at 21 latest and the other 23 onwards how can you blame the captain? This was the case more often than not during those 4 potential gamedays.
  3. Apparently I wasn't
  4. Oh well, ggs. I will start by saying that this wasn't in any way Flyerkungen's fault. Guy's getting all the shit thrown at him even though he was busting his ass off trying to get the games played. Did all he could and does not deserve any of this shit. (Martindale, eat shit) I arrived from my infamous trip to Miami on Saturday/Sunday night(was great!) and we were ready to play from Sunday onwards. Btw Johtajavirtanen took my spot on LW against Dynasty. So we missed two potential gamedays in semi-finals first week(Wednesday/Thursday) because come on, no one plays on weekends. TWO DAYS. Then we were available on Sunday, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. At this point unfortunate scheduling things got into play as SJK:s goalies couldn't play before 22cet on couple nights and we had some workshift problems aswell. Everything was negotiated peacefully and both teams had zero problem on agreeing to play today. I understand that it is over the deadline and a punishable action on some situations. But seriously. In ECL semi-finals, when both teams have no problem with the situation and have ABSOLUTELY no desire for walkovers. This was clearly LA:s attempt to brush their soft imago, which is understandable and NEEDED to get people respect the rules. But in my personal opinion this was not the right circumstance to make that move. Yeah, I can take the blame on myself for missing 2 gamedays while sipping pina coladas. I thought we had appropriate amount of time left to finish the series which was 4 _potential_ gamedays. There's just always unfortunate surprises. I won't argue that this wasn't the right call according to the rulebook. I just believe that this was not the right call according to the circumstances. Good luck SJK
  5. Aapo "challenger"?
  6. Cute. 4mb/0,8mb here
  7. The puck raggers started their NHL18 journey.
  8. Excluded own teammates not in order LW: Puantso, MukiMaisteri, PleeMaker C: Dominointi, Norpee, Ahola RW: Suutu_jo, Indi969, Kingofapes LD: Janzuh, Supremski, vSilenttio RD: Vatalisti, Snapu48, Gustafsson7 G: Supreex, Cappe, Sandroh
  9. Amazing video, great job.
  10. Written in the Stars ECL Season 3 video:
  11. Laser HT - Northern Ascendancy 4-1 Written in the Stars - FR 4-2 Aapon Taikasauva - Mukimiehet 4-3 X Factor - Sika 4-1
  12. Hyrde97 Filariou RutonMosse New team: Written in the Stars We brought Hyrde97 in as we were short of backup goalie for ECL3. He has fit in well. Filariou was our choice to fill up the soon-to-be empty spots in our offense. As SadaPoika moved to play center, we picked up Filariou to finish the puzzle. RutonMosse is @Adetikki 's littlebrother and he has the potential to be a great player. Not much experience from club games yet, but we'll see how quick he can adapt from versus to 6v6. Aamuja
  13. Bump. Still looking, any forward pos is open. If you're the one we are looking for, you will play all playoff games.
  14. Written In The Stars ECL games and some random goal compilations can be found on my channel. https://youtu.be/Tdhpyv6Fs2M
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