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  1. Hello Everyone I am a Free LW or C (if necessary also a LD) Searching for a top lite or Pro Team to get some new experience. Played for a long time in Teams at Lite or Pro Level and searching for something new for the upcoming ECL and hopefully more. https://sportsgamer.gg/players/5112#nhl From Switzerland. I am very ambitious, I learn quickly and I can adapt well, speaking english more or less fluently. If my profile and everything sounds interesting, just give me a message here or on discord CuteTerminator_7#0089 for a tryout
  2. Hello Everyone I am a Free LW or C (if necessary also a LD) Searching for a Pro Team to get some new experience. Played for a long time in Teams at Lite or Pro Level and searching for something new for the upcoming ECL and hopefully more. https://sportsgamer.gg/players/5112#nhl I am very ambitious, I learn quickly and I can adapt well, speaking english more or less fluently. If my profile and everything sounds interesting, just give me a message here or on discord CuteTerminator_7#0089 for a tryout
  3. Still free for FCL or SCL Discord CuteTerminator_7#0089
  4. Free Lw or C for FCL Backup is fine too https://sportsgamer.gg/players/5112#nhl
  5. Still Free Agent for FCL or SCL. Positions: LW, C or LD Backup is ok too. https://sportsgamer.gg/players/5112#nhl Contact me here or Discord CuteTerminator_7#0089
  6. Free Agent for FCL or SCL. Positions: LW, C or LD Backup is ok too. https://sportsgamer.gg/players/5112#nhl Contact me here or Discord CuteTerminator_7#0089
  7. Free for upcoming FCL/SCL Main Positions: C/LW/LD Open for tryouts. Prefer Starting Spot since I m available 5 Times a week, but backup works too. Looking for a good group with some experience. https://sportsgamer.gg/players/5112#nhl PSN: CuteTerminator_7 Discord: CuteTerminator_7#0089
  8. Free C or LW for upcoming tournaments. Looking for a lite or maybe pro team. If interested just write me a message.
  9. +++Free Agent for FCL or SCL+++ Searching for an Team for FCL or SCL (Backup is fine). Positions: Center, LW and LD Nationality: Switzerland https://nhlgamer.com/players/5112 PSN: CuteTerminator_7 DISCORD: CuteTerminator_7#0089
  10. +++Free Agent for FCL or SCL+++ Hello finnish and swedish Friends, i am searching for an Team for FCL or SCL (Backup is fine). Positions: Center, LW and LD Nationality: Switzerland https://nhlgamer.com/players/5112 PSN: CuteTerminator_7 DISCORD: CuteTerminator_7#0089 Have a nice week 🔥
  11. Free C/LW, if needed LD for FCL or SCL. Backup is fine. https://nhlgamer.com/players/5112 PSN: CuteTerminator_7 Nationality: Switzerland
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