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Jay Hunter

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  1. Player application - Iserlohn Roosters Esports is looking for you! You love NHL Esports, play at a high level and are looking for an ambitious team? Then we have just the thing for you! We are looking for: - Offensiv for the attack - Defense (both sides) What we offer: - an experienced team with clear goals - training units on Monday, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Sundays from 20 CET - Participation on the leagues ITHL, ECL Lite and GCL You suit us if: - you are reliable and bring team spirit - you are ambitious and want to improve - you are ready to be ready, with to fight us for success? Join the Iserlohn Roosters Esports and write with us history!
  2. Free C/RD for FCL https://sportsgamer.gg/players/5088#nhl Age: 34 German with a good connection Could play each evening Ready for the experience 🤜🤛
  3. Dear Gm´s The Iserlohn Roosters eSports Club want to invite you to our Preseason Cup before the ECL 12 starts. This tournament will be finished before the Qualifiers for the ECL 12 will start. The Frame of this Cup will be: • 2 Groups with 4 Teams each • Quaterfinals across (1st Group A vs. 4th Group B, 2nd Group A vs. 3rd Group B…) • The Games in the Group Stage will be played back to back • The Games of the Finals will be played best-of-three • The Rulebook is the official NHL Gamer Rulebook If you are interested, please give a respond until 01.04.21 on Instagram,facebook (@IserlohnerEsportsClub) or Nhlgamer.com (jAY-HUNTER87). We will inform you when the Cup will start after the teams have registered. First come, first serve. Your Iserlohn Roosters eSports
  4. Teamname: Iserlohn Roosters eSports Teamabkürzung: IEC Team captains (PSN IDs): jAY-HUNTER87, SwissKimmo1291, Taco_La_Bonita Team roster (PSN IDs): jAY-HUNTER87 SwissKimmo1291 Taco_La_Bonita Thomas05081986 blauweisrooster Epsri (L) DaFeila EA SPORTS club overview: https://www.ea.com/games/nhl/nhl-21/pro-clubs/overview?clubId=438&platform=ps4&isLocalized=true Previous team name(s): letzte GCL BurritoBrothers Logo: Division: 2 Teilnahme am Qualifikationsturnier zur Division 1: Ja Bereitschaft in der 3. Division zu spielen, sofern diese bereits gegründet wird: Nein
  5. German Team Iserlohn Roosters looking for a Starting Defender LD or RD for the upcoming ECL NEO season
  6. Teamname: BurritoBrothers Teamabkürzung: BB Team captains (PSN IDs): JAY-HUNTER87, Assistant chrisJ2406, Assistant Uhtred_GF Team roster (PSN IDs): jAY-HUNTER87 Uhtred_GF chrisJ2406 Player-Chris1992 Doncastro1 Firestorm992505 In-Team-Rasur Taco_La_Bonita EA SPORTS club overview: https://www.ea.com/games/nhl/nhl-20/pro-clubs/rankings,clubId=29684&platform=ps4Teamname Anmeldung für das Qualifikationsturnier für die Division 1: Nein Logo:
  7. Teamname: BurritoBrothers Teamabkürzung: BB Team captains (PSN IDs): JAY-HUNTER87, Assistant chrisJ2406, Assistant TonyMo681 Team roster (PSN IDs): jAY-HUNTER87 TonyMo681 chrisJ2406 Player-Chris1992 Cpt_Robson GutZeit22 Stastny_91 Drifffl Buffi8487 FaTcAT-62- oPHOENIXo87 EA SPORTS club overview: https://www.ea.com/games/nhl/nhl-20/pro-clubs/rankings,clubId=29684&platform=ps4Teamname Logo: GCL Division 1 Anfrage: Nein
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