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theMaddias last won the day on September 24 2021

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  1. Free F/D PS4 https://sportsgamer.gg/players/5042#nhl contact on psn: MATIYAAAS 😃👍🤝
  2. Otukset looking for LD Contact here or psn: theMaddias
  3. Otukset looking for a forward and a backup goalie for the upcoming ECL. After our FCL run came to an end and Birkedal headed back to Zurich we´re now looking to fill in the missing spot. Quality of our game was really high during FCL and we want to keep it that way in the future as well. Our main goal is to make it to elite. We can offer you a reliable squad with relaxed but competitive mindset and a good ground to develop yourself as a player. You can be LW, C or RW as we can rotate the forwards any way we need to. Nationality isn´t an issue if you´re comfortable speaking english. What we expect from you: - Active and willing to practice - Team first mentality - Ability to make plays yourself when needed - Good hockey IQ and the ability to adjust in different strategies in-game Contacts: Discord: themaddias#5107 / juhkis96#8959 / kihan64#8970 PSN: theMaddias / Juhkis96 / Kihan64 or here on nhlgamer
  4. Otukset looking for LW and RD for FCL, mainly with PRO-experience but it’s not a must. Currently we have four pro starters so continuing to a possible PRO qualification with the team is also a possibility. Contact here or PSN: theMaddias Forwards theMaddias Kihan64 MrMikkiL Defense Juhkis96 Big81Jay Bagel8000 Goalies Empuuz_24 XAPPN
  5. It’s alright and nothing personal. Some insight would be interesting to read and checkout from the lower leagues aswell. Quarterfinals only has eight teams in it so it doesn’t seem like an impossible task. Of course there are limited time to write these etc. but still maybe mentioning the teams and top scorers would make these much better 👍
  6. Free LW for GCL Message here or on psn: theMaddias https://nhlgamer.com/players/5042
  7. Free finnish 25yo LD/RD for upcoming tournaments. https://nhlgamer.com/players/5042 Looking for tryouts Message me here or on psn: theMaddias
  8. Free 25yo finnish LD/C looking for a new ecl team. Mainly looking to play mentioned positions as they’re my strongest but also open for other ideas. Looking for a motivated team with quick puck moving. I can play pretty much daily and I’m comfortable speaking english, interested in tryouts. contact me here, or on psn: theMaddias
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