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    Elvis "bystrom___" Byström is your SCL 2024 1v1 Champion!


    In this year's edition of the Swedish Championships we're crowning Elvis @bystrom___ Byström the new SCL 1v1 Champion!

    Elvis Byström, a 16-year-old from Örnsköldsvik, Sweden, has always had a strong connection to hockey and gaming. Born and raised in this small town, Elvis is currently studying to become a carpenter, a trade he finds both challenging and rewarding. His journey into the world of NHL gaming began at a young age, around 5 or 6 years old, when he and a friend from his old hockey team started playing NHL on his dad's Xbox.

    Afternoons at the Byström household often featured intense NHL game matches between Elvis and his dad. Despite losing all those early games, Elvis's determination never wavered. He continued to play, driven by the desire to finally win against his father. His dad, an avid NHL gamer himself, became Elvis's mentor, teaching him skill moves and coaching him through HUT Champs games when Elvis was around 10 or 11 years old.

    This father-son bonding over the NHL game not only improved Elvis's gaming skills but also deepened his love for the sport. His dad's passion for the game and his guidance were pivotal in shaping Elvis's own interest and dedication. Today, Elvis Byström continues to hone his skills both as a carpenter and as an NHL gamer, inspired by the lessons and memories shared with his father.



    Bystrom___'s road to the Championship:

    Group stage record:

    RO16 vs @DAFA_03 3-1
    Quarterfinals vs @AntonLxnd 3-0
    Semifinals vs @LaxenHD 3-0
    Finals vs @Wilgoat3 3-1

    The top 3 of SCL 1vs1 in 2024 are:
    1.  Elvis @bystrom___ Byström
    2. Wilgot @Wilgoat3 Eriksson
    3. Oliver @pappeen- Papmehl


    Congratulations on the Swedish Championship in NHL 24! How does it feel?

    Big thanks once again! It feels great to be a Swedish champion even if the best player "Eken" wasn't participating.

    You won almost all of your games throughout your Championship run - were you expecting to go all the way and take home the title

    Yeah, my goal was to win all games but that's hard. We have good players in Sweden that can make it far in ECL 1v1 without a doubt, and yes my goal was to win the whole tournament. I think I played pretty well throughout the tournament, my highest level was pretty high and my lowest was not bad at all. 

    What do you think your strenght is? And how about your weaknesses?

    My strength is to keep the puck with my team and to win the puck back if I lose it. My weakness is to keep my head up in the games I think sometimes I stop focusing and play laidback, which is dumb.

    How would you describe your final series against Wilgoat3?

    The final against Wilgoat was difficult in the first game because I hadn't played Wilgoat in NHL 24 so I needed to learn his game style. In game 2 I think I started to know what he was going to do and also the games after that and I was able to win 3-1 in games. This was my best series throughout the playoffs without a doubt.


    SportsGamer would like to congratulate Elvis Byström on a tremendous tournament and the championship!

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