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    ECL '25: Spring - Ability Bans

    Hello, all members of the ECL Community!

    We have had a long ongoing discussion about the X-Factors and Abilities and whether they should be allowed in a competitive environment or not. It has been enlightening to see and hear all the different opinions on this matter on the public forums, party chats, and private messages. We thank you all for taking part in this discussion!



    Looking closely at the situation, all the abilities have a way to make or break the game - in one way or another - and those effects can go both ways, whether you are or aren't allowed to use them. Abilities allow you to do things that you wouldn't or perhaps even shouldn't be able to do in certain situations, but they also reward you for making good plays, good passes, and timing your actions correctly.

    Playing without abilities can take away a lot of those rewards and may leave you frustrated because of that. One of the big concerns about banning all the abilities is that it could lead to a much more passive playstyle on defense. Of course, you are still able to score in many different ways, but it is a fact that some things in this game are built around the abilities and the animations they allow you to trigger. Abilities at their best can create these "wow!" moments for both the players and the viewers. It's worth mentioning that the discussion has mostly been around the gameplay experience, but we also want to take the viewers into account, even though currently most of them are you, the players.

    It is also to be stated that we want to keep the same ruleset for all the ECL divisions. While we see that the opinions are heavily divided between the players from different skill levels, the structure has always aimed to make it possible for teams to climb the division ladder all the way from the bottom to the top. Different rulesets could create a huge barrier between the divisions, which would be against our core values. We don't think either end of the extremes would necessarily result in a bad gameplay experience, but there are a lot of players on each side of the conversation and a compromise between the main two parties feels like the best way to go forward.

    Based on the community feedback and after an internal discussion we have decided on the following ability restrictions for the ECL '25: Spring season:


    All Gold X-Factors will be banned for both skaters and goaltenders

    Activating the Gold X-Factors doesn't require you to spend any XP points for certain traits and it allows you to have the abilities of a superstar even if your actual ability stats e.g. on a shooting skill would say otherwise. This change also brings the number of usable abilities down from 3 to 2. When you need the skill points to use the Superstar abilities, it will require you to carefully think about where to place those scarcely available skill points, and whether you want to focus on offense, defense, or somewhere between. With the removal of the Gold X-Factors, the balance between offense, defense, and goaltending should also stay similar to what we're already used to.

    The following X-Factors and Superstar abilities will be completely banned

    The following X-Factors are deemed too powerful even in their silver state and will be banned completely.

    NHL_Silver_Big_Tipper.png  Big Tipper

    This ability helps players in front of the net to deflect pucks with ultimate precision. This is the one ability almost everyone seems to agree doesn't belong in a competitive environment, due to the usage requiring little to no skill and being so efficient.

    NHL_Silver_Truculence.png  Truculence

    This ability gives you exceptional stability and assists on shoulder checks and greatly increases the chance of knocking over the opponent and sapping their energy. Truculence breaks the game in a few different ways. It slows down the game due to the energy loss and long animations to get back up. It enables you to hit from too far away and from impossible angles, no matter which size player build is being used. You can still hit without truculence but without it, a better understanding of when a hit should be made will be required.

    NHL_Silver_Stick_Em_Up.png  Stick 'em up

    This ability gives you phenomenal defensive stick speed and exceptional accuracy when poke-checking against momentum or at speed while also lowering the chance of a penalty. The game already has a very strong auto-aim built into poke-checking whether you use this ability or not. The ability allows you to spam the stick check without much worry of getting penalized for it. It also allows you to reach the puck from too far away and from impossible angles.


    Why are the Regional Leagues played without abilities?

    There was a large group of players who made their voices heard with the so-called "#BanThemAll" messages that were going around after the announcement of the ability bans for the ECL '25: Winter season.

    As there was no conversation indicating a change in opinion around this subject, we wanted to give the players a chance to try it out in a competitive environment the regional tournaments that were next on the schedule felt like the be the best place to do that. We understand that the timing of this "test period" was far from ideal, especially with the biggest league FCL starting later than we were originally aiming for. We decided to have the same ruleset for all the Regional Leagues, because we wanted all teams and regions to have an equal chance to experience the gameplay without abilities and prepare for the upcoming ECL Season. Our communication of this should have been clearer, but ultimately it was a timing issue with the leagues running at different times.

    Why was there no community vote?

    While we understand that there is a big argument to have a vote for this decision, we believe in practice it would not be the best way to go. If we look at some of the unofficial polling results that have been circulating, they show that most people voting were against any kind of change compared to the ECL '25: Winter season. In one specific poll around 130-140 players out of around 650 people on the server voted, even though the server could be considered to consist of some of the most active members in the community. The ongoing public discussions have been very "top-heavy" regarding what division the players play in and this was also reflected in the polling. The higher up you go in divisions, the players tend to be more active and we expect that would also be reflected in a community vote. To actually reach the whole community would be a huge task on its own, and there would still be a big majority of players that the possible vote would not reach, especially given the often narrow time frame. The flip side of the coin is, that even if we would reach all players and have them vote anonymously, we have no way to verify if they have actually looked into all the intricacies of the matter or if they're just casting their vote based on what someone else told them to vote for. This is why we prefer to have an open and constructive dialogue where we collaboratively try to get into the details and thoughts behind the opinions and experiences within our community. 


    What to expect from future decisions?

    We understand from the feedback that we've been lacking in communication regarding this issue. Communication is our main goal to improve along with reacting quicker to possible changes and make the process smoother overall. Whether it is at the start of the game cycle when something has radically changed, or in the middle of the year when some issue has been raised, we want to react quicker and give the players enough time to adjust for the tournaments. We're very thankful for all the feedback we've received and we warmly welcome any future feedback or suggestions! 


    Best regards,

    League Administration

    User Feedback

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    I have really enjoyed the all ability ban in fcl and would have hoped for it in the ECL as well, but this is still good progress toward balanced and better gameplay, good job ! :)

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    Stop this mess already!!! Ban everyone or no one. It can’t be that hard.*

    *This message has been translated from Finnish. Please stick to English. Further comments in Finnish or other languages than English will be removed from this news story.

    Original message: "Lopettakaa tää sekoilu jo!!! Bännätkää kaikki tai ei mitään. Ei voi olla niin vaikeata."

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    Thanks, great compromise that should somewhat satisfy everyone! Also great that the decision is coming so early not one week before. 💪

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    Valid compromise, tbh.

    Tough to satisfy everyone, especially with the diversity of opinion we've seen, but I think this is as close as you could get.

    Dub for SG/LA.

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    31 minuuttia sitten, wengerii kirjoitti:

    Thanks, great compromise that should somewhat satisfy everyone! Also great that the decision is coming so early not one week before. 💪


    Great decision in this moment to compromise like this.

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    While we understand that there is a big argument to have a vote for this decision, we believe in practice it would not be the best way to go. If we look at some of the unofficial polling results that have been circulating, they show that most people voting were against any kind of change compared to the ECL '25: Winter season. In one specific poll around 130-140 players out of around 650 people on the server voted, even though the server could be considered to consist of some of the most active members in the community. The ongoing public discussions have been very "top-heavy" regarding what division the players play in and this was also reflected in the polling. The higher up you go in divisions, the players tend to be more active and we expect that would also be reflected in a community vote.

    If the polls that showed that we should keep the same bans from the winter season are not proof that most people wanted to keep the same bans, then what evidence is there that all or most players who did not participate in the polls are in favor of banning all abilities and not in favor of keeping the same bans that would invalidate the poll?

    Why is the fact that the people who were the most active in voting being more active players and/or higher tier players not representing the interests of the larger portion of the playerbase? Shouldn't experience or skill give more credibility to their opinion?


    To actually reach the whole community would be a huge task on its own, and there would still be a big majority of players that the possible vote would not reach, especially given the often narrow time frame. The flip side of the coin is, that even if we would reach all players and have them vote anonymously, we have no way to verify if they have actually looked into all the intricacies of the matter or if they're just casting their vote based on what someone else told them to vote for.

    If this was the thought process how can it be determined that the people who wanted to ban all abilities and voiced their opinion in the previous thread did so by forming their own opinion and not going with some other players' opinions or doing so due to a different agenda (lowering the skillgap in hopes of closing the gap to the better teams), and if they did in fact form their own opinion how is it determined that they "have actually looked into all the intricacies of the matter" or know what they are talking about at all, especially if we are talking about players who have barely any 6s or 1s tournament experience compared to people who have played for years and are still active top players and know how the game works.

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    " still active top players and know how the game works."

    A player who “understands” how a game works cannot possibly need golden abilities. And we have seen that in FCL, where it is obviously possible for the best players to score goals anyway.
    This is not about “understanding” but is obviously only about what you think is FUN and how you WANT it to be. 

    I think everyone is fairly familiar with how the game works, you don't have to be the “best” to have that ability. There is no logic in such a claim. If you're the best at something, it's just a sign that you're the best at managing HOW things work. Everyone understands how to kick a ball forward, but everyone is differently good at putting it into practice. 

    Then that sportsgamer did not take into account the vote on the draft server where the top players had to vote on it - this, on the other hand, perhaps sportsgamer should respond to. Especially for the 2 highest divisions.

    This will of course create a larger skill gap, which should be exactly what the top teams should want. Just like the good teams now dominate in the FCL. 



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    2 hours ago, Beniittto said:

    If the polls that showed that we should keep the same bans from the winter season are not proof that most people wanted to keep the same bans, then what evidence is there that all or most players who did not participate in the polls are in favor of banning all abilities and not in favor of keeping the same bans that would invalidate the poll?

    Why is the fact that the people who were the most active in voting being more active players and/or higher tier players not representing the interests of the larger portion of the playerbase? Shouldn't experience or skill give more credibility to their opinion?

    If this was the thought process how can it be determined that the people who wanted to ban all abilities and voiced their opinion in the previous thread did so by forming their own opinion and not going with some other players' opinions or doing so due to a different agenda (lowering the skillgap in hopes of closing the gap to the better teams), and if they did in fact form their own opinion how is it determined that they "have actually looked into all the intricacies of the matter" or know what they are talking about at all, especially if we are talking about players who have barely any 6s or 1s tournament experience compared to people who have played for years and are still active top players and know how the game works.

    The decision as a whole is ”fine” for me, but I do agree with the points Pena made about the arguments not really working.

    In any democratic process only the people who actually vote are taken into consideration. Everyone has the chance to, and if you don’t, you obviously don’t care about the matter or the outcome enough to cast your vote. That means the people who don’t vote are fine with any decision.

    Like I said, the decision is fine, but you could have just said this is what we wanted to do and own it instead of this irrational argument about not possibly reaching everyone.

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    In my opinion, this decision was a step in the right direction and a solid compromise between different viewpoints.

    I would have personally left the silver Stick 'Em Up and Truculence abilities available. I have a small concern that this change might actually lead to even more passive defending than ban on all X-Factor abilities would. My reasoning: One-timers will once again become very high-probability scoring chances, as will close-range shots with the Close Quarters trait. At the same time, taking away the most effective defensive tools for pressuring puck carrier may leave the best option as simply falling back into a defensive structure, trying to intercept passes to one-timers, and keeping opponents away from the net to prevent Close Quarters goals.

    I hope my concerns turn out to be wrong and that other defensive abilities provide alternative ways to pressure puck carrier, or that the "pressure system" ensures pressuring the puck carrier remains viable.

    The good thing is that now there are only two ability slots available, so if you want to pick a defensive ability, you can’t take both 1T and CQ boosts.

    I’m happy with this decision! 👍

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    I don’t get the “ban some” policy. With the offensive traits like CQ and 1T available it just creates an uneven experience. I enjoy playing the national leagues without any traits much more than any other season so far.

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    59 минут назад, CCBow-501 сказал:

    I don’t get the “ban some” policy. With the offensive traits like CQ and 1T available it just creates an uneven experience. I enjoy playing the national leagues without any traits much more than any other season so far.

    Its just a diplomacy in a nutshell. You enjoy playing without any traits and other guys enjoy play with them. So SG at last decided to do smth in advance which is great. But still took a middle ground, so they dont offend any group of players which is ok either. 

    16 часов назад, tbnantti сказал:

    The decision as a whole is ”fine” for me, but I do agree with the points Pena made about the arguments not really working.

    In any democratic process only the people who actually vote are taken into consideration. Everyone has the chance to, and if you don’t, you obviously don’t care about the matter or the outcome enough to cast your vote. That means the people who don’t vote are fine with any decision.

    Like I said, the decision is fine, but you could have just said this is what we wanted to do and own it instead of this irrational argument about not possibly reaching everyone.

    Also agree that there were no sense in pointing out the poll or voting. Just say - "we decided to do so". Otherwise it looks like modern politics xD 

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    game feels nice without gold xfactors, goalie can do a lot to change outcome now, not easy ea goals and everytime when breakaway you gonna be beat with gold close quarter or if guy is open in front of net, always its goal somehow. I didnt like without all traits because goalies was blind stupid and slow on easy onetimers, and players also, was not dangerous to goalies. Game was not challenging and was realy forgiving. With silvers seems balanced, still awarding but goalies can still change games outcomes. gold onetimers was like a bullet shot or light shot, close quarters gold was sniping you in no matter about your position .now there is not like insane scoring and uncatchable shots. Gold onetimer and close quarter goalie couldnt counter, but silver ones he can counter with silver traits, like no timer silver will help get this onetimers and i see in my game and other games, its pretty balanced and goalie catch what he should catch, and making 80% of saves in situations, not like before 50%. And i think its good because goalies should be rewarded for his own skill not only when defense good. Goalie should stop onetimers if he did all good positioning, timing, not like there is not even time to blink and its goal. Gold factors didnt even give chance goalies to stop puck it was all down to defense what made goalies position realy boring annoying and useless. 

    Edited by saaggssy
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    In my opinion it would be better to use same abilities or no abilities at all in every tournament, just because it's easier to learn to play with one build than create always different build just because rules say so. For example when stick em up or truculence is not allowed to use it changes the build and probably need to set attribute points bit differently (depending your playstyle). But yeah I can see that now you need to think more how you place attribute points, and you also need some practise to see which is best setup for you. Good or bad I don't know but I think rules about player builds should be same for all tournaments.

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    16 hours ago, poweriq said:

    What about goalies? 


    2 hours ago, Lyubbagr said:

    Good afternoon, tell me, what abilities are prohibited for goalkeepers?


    Hi, All Gold abilities are prohibited. All silver abilities are allowed for goalies.

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    59 минут назад, Kenu сказал:



    Hi, All Gold abilities are prohibited. All silver abilities are allowed for goalies.


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