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Showing content with the highest reputation since 09/14/24 in all areas

  1. 45 points
  2. 31 points
  3. Free C/D for next ecl Contact me here or psn miseee96
    30 points
  4. Purification (elite) in: @Snus97_ Welcome to puri!🤝🐐
    27 points
  5. Free LD for upcoming tournaments. Dm me here or in Discord: leiskaviis7
    27 points
  6. Vesa pompa (Elite) In: @Suth98_ Varmt välkommen 🍕 Out: @dzouvi Thanks for these year Adam wish you the best in the future ❤️
    25 points
  7. Mustaa Kultaa (Elite) In: @KASINELONEN @Mise(Miseee96) Welcome🔥
    24 points
  8. Vesa Pompa (Elite) In: @Sundstroom Välkommen! 🍕
    23 points
  9. NOSTREETSPORTS (PRO) We are looking for backup Forward for upcoming ECL. If you think that compete in PRO feel free to contact me on psn or discord🏄🏼‍♂️
    23 points
  10. Forward (C) looking for a team for next ecl and tournaments. Lite/Pro contact Tykylevits psn or discord
    22 points
  11. Zenegeim In: @MCH_98 @jubex0r Welcome 🤩 Out: @Saviinainen @Nixa_da_fck Thanks and good luck!
    18 points
  12. Heimo is looking for a starting LW/C. Contact me on Discord, here, PSN, or email if you'd like.
    18 points
  13. Purification (elite) in: @karlssonadam_ Welcome back brother!😍
    17 points
  14. Mustaa Kultaa (Elite) In: @Launonexx Welcome back Launo!🔥 Out: @I_Saarinen_I Thanks for everything and good luck for future❤️
    16 points
  15. Free LD/RD for upcoming tournaments. https://sportsgamer.gg/players/681 Contact psn or dc
    14 points
  16. Hi! This post is regarding my services of commentating games in Finnish. This is why the rest of the post is in Finnish. Oletko joskus lähettänyt ECL-pelejä Twitchiin? Kaipaatko niihin lisää tunnetta? Harmittaako, kun vodit eivät jää talteen? Moi, Mkine tässä! Selostin viime kaudella Almost Famousin pelejä Twitchin puolella, ja osa teistä varmaan kävi katsomassa lähetyksiä – iso kiitos siitä! Pelejä yhdelle joukkueelle tulee harvakseltaan, joten tulevalla kaudella voisin ottaa lisää selostuksia, vaikka juuri sinun joukkueeltasi! Tasolla ei ole väliä, kunhan netti kestää ja lähetys pysyy ylhäällä. Hinta selostuksille? Huokea 0€! Kiinnostuitko? Laita yksityisviestiä, niin katsotaan, miten aikataulut saadaan sovitettua. Jos useampi joukkue haluaa selostuksia samalle päivälle, arpakone ratkaisee, minkä niistä valitsen. Selostukset tulevat suomeksi ja minun kanavalleni. Aikaisempia matseja voi käydä katsomassa täällä: https://www.youtube.com/@Mkinee Olkaa rohkeasti yhteydessä! Edit: Discord: .kalervo X: @twitchmkine
    13 points
  17. Free D/C for upcoming tournaments Contact me here or psn
    13 points
  18. Looking for team to play with as a G ! Im not going to say how good i am and how long i have played this game , or even going to say why u might want me. My stats are in here : ( please tap this txt ) And if u wnt to try me out, just send me msg here or via dc: Jiihoo86 JiiHooo86 (im playing with xbox series s)
    13 points
  19. 12 points
  20. 10 points
  21. Renascor (Elite) Looking for LW for upcoming tournament. Contact discord: SF36.bse
    10 points
  22. Gevalia ik (lite) We are looking for defenders. Contact: discord: jakkez98- or psn jakkez98- or psn komarovinleksa/ discord: komarovinleksa
    9 points
  23. 9 points
  24. NASKI PRO QUALIFIERS Looking for starter LD, (G maybe) AND RD Contact me on Discord: Lekxsa or here.
    7 points
  25. Hc Vadelma (Lite) We are looking for Starting LD for upcoming seasons. Prefer a Finnish player. If you are interested. Contact me or @Awesome_Zone_ here or in discord.
    7 points
  26. Mustaa Kultaa (Ecl Elite) looking for starting C/LW for upcoming tournaments Contact me here or dc: Allupekkaz
    7 points
  27. 7 points
  28. Hey Gamers, It's time to get the NHL 25 season started with the ECL '25 Pre-Season. The ECL Pre-Season Tournament is a friendly tournament with three tiers for teams to get into the competitive mindset, without the heavy structure that comes with the actual ECL divisions framework. The tournaments include playoffs for each tier and the lowest tier allows new interested teams to try out the competitive games in a relaxed environment. The ECL is the pinnacle of European NHL esports. The abbreviation stands for the European Championship League and it features NHL 6v6 esports in five divisions aimed at various skill levels. Every player, including the goalies, is controlled by a human. League games are played in the EASHL mode and the platform is PlayStation and Xbox. ECL has been played since 2015, so the upcoming season is already the 17th. The latest addition to the ECL product family is a 1v1 tournament, where Europe's best solo players fight for the championship. ECL 1v1 has been played since the ECL '23 Winter season. Basic information/requirements of ECL: Regional restrictions: ECL is a European tournament format, however, we do not necessarily exclude players located in North America or Asia. A European server will always be used. We reserve the right to exclude teams or players in case of severe connection issues. Individual requirements: Each player needs to have an account at SportsGamer.GG and create their personal player card. ECL licenses: Teams in ECL Elite & ECL Pro, ECL Lite, and ECL Core will require their respective ECL ‘25: Winter team licenses in order to play. In addition, every player in the above-mentioned divisions needs to have a valid ECL ‘25: Player License or ECL ‘25: Winter Player License before taking the ice. Players in ECL Neo require only an ECL '25: Winter Neo Player License. The ECL '25 Pre-Season tournament does not require the license, but purchasing the license early on is recommended for faster processing. Rules: The ECL '25 rulebook will be published closer to the season, you can check out last season's rules here. For a more extensive overview of the ECL as a whole, check out our “What is the ECL?” news story released a few weeks back. ECL Pre-Season As stated, the tournament will be hosted in three tiers without any major restrictions except for the ones mentioned below. Elite & Pro Only ECL Elite & ECL Pro teams, and by special request wildcard & qualifier teams This is a friendly warmup tournament, no need to argue (=no League Admin cases) The final format is determined by the number of teams Double-header gamedays Regular season 17.10-27.10 Playoffs (BO3) 30-31.10 (RO16) 3.-4.11 (Quarterfinals) 6.-7.11 (Semifinals) 10.-11.11 (Finals) Sign-ups are open until 12:00 CET, October 15th. SIGN UP HERE Lite & Core Only ECL Lite & ECL Core teams, and by special request wildcard teams & qualifier teams This is a friendly warmup tournament, no need to argue (=no League Admin cases) Qualifier teams can participate, but the final rounds of the playoffs may coincide with the qualifiers The final format is determined by the number of teams Double-header gamedays Regular season 17.10-27.10 Playoffs (BO3) 30-31.10 (RO32) 3.-4.11 (RO16) 6.-7.11 (Quarterfinals) 10.-11.11 (Semifinals) 13-14.11 (Finals) Sign-ups are open until 12:00 CET, October 15th SIGN UP HERE Neo & Newcomers Only ECL Neo & Newcomer teams This is a friendly warmup tournament, no need to argue (=no League Admin cases) The final format is determined by the number of teams Double-header gamedays Regular season 17.10-27.10 Playoffs (BO3) 30-31.10 (RO16) 3.-4.11 (Quarterfinals) 6.-7.11 (Semifinals) 10.-11.11 (Finals) Sign-ups are open until 12:00 CET, October 15th SIGN UP HERE Uniform and logo unlocks for organizations This form is intended for organizations associated with SportsGamer to request primarily uniform and logo unlocks in order to represent their team appropriately. The form should not be filled out before NHL 25 is released, but you can bookmark this link and fill it out once the team has been created. Here is a link for the unlocks form: https://forms.gle/TRy9PkVwh13gqMGs5 Rules We hope you all enjoy and remember to play by the ECL rules! Although the Pre-Season Tournament will not be under as strict scrutiny as the ECL, we want to remind you to respect your opponents and go about the games just as you would when playing real ECL league matchups. The tournament will be played on the NHL 25 (PlayStation 5 & Xbox Series X/S) If teams are tied in points after the group stage, we will utilize these usual tie-breakers: Wins (including OT-wins) Head-to-head record (points in mutual games) Goal difference (across all games played) Scored goals (across all games played) We hope you're as excited as we are to get back into the action - build your team, sign up, and have fun!
    6 points
  29. Free G for next season 🤠 Contact here or Discord: Lakritsipiippu
    6 points
  30. Technical Disaster OUT: @jorkkiiz Kiitos Jorkki ja tsempit tulevaan! 💗💪
    6 points
  31. Free LW/LD for upcoming tournaments. Prefer Lite/Core PSN: banglahoor Discord: banglahoor https://sportsgamer.gg/players/4715
    6 points
  32. Free G for next ECL Elite maybe pro🫣 Ready to grind very much🫡 Contact me here or psn kaz_zu
    6 points
  33. 🟣 NOVA 🟣 (ECL Pro) Looking for starting RW and LW/C Dm me here or in Discord
    5 points
  34. At SportsGamer, we’re more than just a platform; we’re a community of passionate gamers, creators, and innovators. While our recent search for talented editors and writers continues (you can read more about these opportunities here), there are numerous other ways to contribute and grow with us.   Wide Range of Opportunities Whether you’re into the technical side of gaming, love managing thriving communities, or have a knack for content creation, we might have a place for you. Here are some examples of areas where we look to expand and improve: • Content Creation (Video): Bring games to life by creating engaging video content that captures the essence of gameplay and community events. • Discord Development and Moderation: Help enhance and moderate our active Discord server to maintain a welcoming and dynamic environment for all members. • Helpdesk / Support: Assist our members with inquiries and provide support to ensure everyone has the best experience possible on our platform. • New Player & Team Onboarding: Actively engage with new members, helping them navigate our site and answering any questions they may have to ensure a smooth introduction to our community. • Social Media: Manage our presence across various social platforms, engaging with our audience and spreading the word about all the great things happening at SportsGamer. • Twitch Moderator: Keep our Twitch streams friendly and engaging, ensuring a great viewing experience. • Other: Is there something that you're excited about and would like to share with the world or gain experience in? Please feel free to make a suggestion using the below linked form.   How to Apply See anything that you would like to do or curious about other ways you can get involved? We’d love to hear from you! Please fill out our application form to get started. Whether you’re looking to find a career in gaming or want to contribute to your favorite hobby, let’s explore what we can achieve together. We're looking forward to hearing from you!
    5 points
  35. Almost Famous💎 (Elite) Looking for starting Lw and Rw for upcoming tournaments Contact psn/dc Jalkkin-
    5 points
  36. All I ask is that, whichever way this goes, there is a definitive, non-reversible decision from League Administration (on bans/no bans) at least a few weeks out from when the first official tournament is set to begin. Give us a fair chance to practice for a reasonable amount of time under game-like conditions.
    5 points
  37. 4 points
  38. I think a great feature on this website would be a list of free agents where a player can add their own xbox/psn id. Add a couple of required multi-choice questions like division / position / language / role (starter/backup), a single-choice like closest server, and a long free text field for additional information like availability and contact details. On top of that, show the divisions the player has played in the last few seasons from your own database. And while you're at it, create the same feature for teams looking for players too Heck, even add an 'Alert Me' setting when a team/player matches with your filters 💆 And ohhh baby when a free agent is signed, have it has a system-assisted process which automatically creates a forum post of a signing so we can all cheer on that! I think this would greatly reduce the time teams spend to find suitable players and vice versa. It would also give new players a better chance of being signed when their 'post' is displayed similar to the community legends.
    4 points
  39. SportGamers, Our community is growing with new members every year. From time to time we are asked for tips on how to find a team or how to find players for your team. In this post, we have put together a few links to our forum where you can either search for a team or sign up as a free agent. You'll also find some tips at the end, that might be just what you need to connect with that new group of potential teammates. This post is mainly intended for the European audience that is interested in playing in the European Championship League. Free Agents EU - PlayStation 5 & Xbox Series X|S In this forum section, you can register as a free agent or search for new players for your team. You will find a "reply to topic" section under the last message on the page where you can post your own free agent message. In this message, you can briefly tell us about yourself, what position you are looking to play, and how to best reach you. Please note that a community account is required in order to post a message. Please also note that this forum section is only for free agent messages. Testing a new Free Agency Team feature We have received requests that free agents would like to have the free agency status appear on their player card, so we want to test a basic version of this functionality here on SportsGamer. if you wish to participate, send a private message to @SG Free Agent Admin with your PSN ID/Gamertag. You will receive an invitation to the Free Agent team on SportsGamer and by accepting it, this will give you the status visible on your player card. Please note that the invitation is usually not immediate and can take some time. Also, note that whatever positions and favorite position you have selected on your player card when accepting the invitation is what will appear in your free agency profile. You can browse the Free Agent team here. Once you find a new team you can join it right away and send a message to @SG Free Agent Admin (who is the captain of the Free Agent team), and you will be removed from the free agency. If the system is received well, it can later be automated with smoother functionality and more user-friendly options. While this new approach will help list free agents and offer an additional way to be seen, for the best result in finding a team we still recommend following the other tips in this news story! EU Clubs looking for players - PlayStation 5 & Xbox Series X|S In this section of the forum, you can let everyone know when your team is looking for players, which means free agents can find teams by browsing this thread. You will find a "reply to topic" section under the last message on the page. Here you can write your "club looking for players" post where you tell us about the club and what kind of player you are looking for. You can look for good tips for your post in the numerous posts written by other clubs. Please note that both of these above-mentioned forum threads are meant only for writing the "ads". When you see something you're interested in, please use private messaging (e.g. SportGamer, Discord, PSN or Xbox Live) to contact them. Usually, the writer of the post will let you know how to best get in touch. So here is your reminder: whenever you post, remember to mention how to best get in touch with you. Useful tips In addition to these previous tools, we recommend you to be active and try to play as much as possible. On our Discord server, you will find a section called "free for tonight" In this section, you can sign up for free play and of course, if you're lucky you might find some people that want to play with you in the future. Another good tip that works is to add "FA" or "Free Agent" to your player's name in the game so that your teammates and opponents can see during the game that you are looking for a team. There you have it! We hope you find these tips useful. Feel free to share your advice in the comments. Good luck finding the perfect match!
    4 points
  40. great opportunity to help grow the community and get your name noticed in the scene
    4 points
  41. Bushwhackers (Pro Quali) We're looking for a center who has experience from Pro or at least top Lite, can communicate in Finnish and has a basic understanding of the game, can play 3-4 a week. Contact me on sportsgamer or discord
    4 points
  42. Welcome to the ECL ‘25 season and the NHL 25 competitive year! Hey SportsGamers! NHL 25 is just around the corner and if I've done my math right this means we're embarking on the the 10th year of the ECL! We started back at the end of 2015 with ECL 1 in NHL 16 and are coming into the 19th season of the ECL with ECL '25: Winter. It's been a wild ride and I want to thank everyone who's been a part of it - many still around since day 1! Let's start with some great news - the prize pool for the ECL ‘25 Winter season will be 24 000 EUR and the ECL Elite Finals will be returning to the big spotlights - featured on the Assembly Winter 2025 main stage! Keep reading to find out more! Before we go any further, if you’re reading this and find yourself wondering “What is the ECL?”, or you're looking for a blast from the past listing of all ECL Champions so far you can find an article about that here. One of the more frequent requests from our community every year has been transparency in terms of upcoming plans. The benefits are clear, as it will help teams with preparation, strategizing, and assembling rosters, and of course, help players plan their holidays, trips, or other activities without sacrificing the opportunity to partake in the eHockey season to the fullest. So, without further ado, here is what the NHL 25 competitive year looks like for Europe. Please keep in mind there are still lots of details being put into place, but we want to provide as good of an overview on the timing of the ECL ‘25: Winter and Spring seasons, as well as the National Championships, that are played in between the ECL seasons. ECL '25 Competitive Year ECL '25: Pre-season The ECL ‘25: Pre-season tournament will kick off on October 17th, giving teams the ability to get right into action, get familiar with NHL 25, and test their line-ups against teams of equal skill levels. The Pre-season will consist of the following groups: Elite & Pro - Sign up now! Lite & Core - Sign up now! Neo & Newcomers - Sign up now! The best news? You can sign up right now using the links above! Qualifiers The ECL ‘25: Winter - Lite & Pro Qualifiers are scheduled to kick off approximately between October 21st and November 1st. For this reason, we suggest that teams participating in the qualifiers skip the Pre-season tournament. We will get into the specifics within a couple weeks. ECL '25: Winter Season The ECL ‘25: Winter - Regular Season will start on November 17th and be completed just in time to wind down for Christmas and the New Year. The last round of games before the holiday break will be played on December 20st. The ECL ‘25: Winter - Playoffs will start after the holidays, on January 3rd. Most of the ECL ‘25: Winter divisions will be completed by the end of January, whereas the date for the Elite Finals is still locked in for Thursday February 20th at Assembly Winter! National Leagues After the end of the ECL ‘25: Winter season, it’s time to battle in the National Leagues, such as the CSCL, eHockey SM, GCL, SCL & WECL. Many of the details are still work-in-process, but rest assured weeks 6-14 are reserved for National League play. ECL '25: Spring Season The ECL ‘25: Spring season will commence with the Lite and Pro Qualifiers in weeks 12-14. The regular season will be played weeks 15-19, and the playoffs will be played after that, with most divisions done before midsummer and the Lite Champions being decided just after. Please keep in mind that there is always a possibility for the timeline to change and we will be keeping a close eye on e.g. the IIHF World Championship schedules to avoid collisions with those games as well as possible, as we know many of our viewers and players love to watch the games. Early Bird Offer on Player and Team Licenses Below you’ll find the pricing of the team and player licenses for ECL ‘25. Starting today and for the next two weeks (until September 19th), you can pick up the ECL ‘25: Winter Team license and the ECL ‘25: Player License (Winter + Spring) for the Super Early Bird pricing listed below. After that, we will offer a slightly elevated Early Bird price from September 20th - October 19th, and finally, the regular pricing from October 20th onward. PURCHASE YOUR ECL '25 LICENSES HERE For those of you participating in the qualifiers and unsure which division your team will play in for the ECL ‘25: Winter season, you can still take advantage of this offer; Purchase the Super Early Bird license for the division you are qualifying for and if your team is unsuccessful in the mission, we will refund you the difference to the Super Early Bird price for the division your team ends up in. For example, if you enter the qualifiers for the Lite division, purchase the Super Early Bird Lite license. If your team doesn’t qualify for the Lite division, you will play in the Core division and we will refund you the difference - in this example: 100 EUR. The ECL Neo division does not require a team license, however, we are introducing an ECL Neo Player license at the cost of 10 EUR per season. This will enable us to improve our coverage of the division, cover the finals broadcast and offer access to the two formats: the ECL Cup & the 4v4 tournament. Read more about them below. Please refer to this ECL Ranking in order to understand which teams are eligible to sign up for each division. Introducing two new formats - ECL Cup & ECL 4v4 We've been cooking up some extra fun to be had during the season and we can't take all the credit, as there have definitely been suggestions coming in from the community. ECL Cup is a knock-out type tournament that is played with your ECL 6v6 team. The Cup is played as a single elimination bracket populated by ECL teams from all divisions. The bracket is played at a slower pace and the action will go on for weeks, but if you lose - you're out! A bit dramatic perhaps, but oh boy are we expecting some drama! ECL 4v4 is exactly what it sounds like - a tournament played in the 4v4 mode of the game. All positions are to be filled with human-controlled players. We understand this game mode might not be for everyone, so the 4v4 tournament will not be a requirement for anyone to enter. ECL 1v1 is also back and we're excited to announce that we will be seeing some structural changes for the upcoming season, which we'll tell you more about in the near future. We'll have more info about all of these fun events in the coming weeks, but you may absolutely feel free to speculate and come with your wishes in the comments below, as there could still be time for adjustments! New License perks We're excited to share that we will be able to offer the following perks to ECL '25 license owners: Assembly Winter 2025 Tickets Limited Time Offer: Get a free ticket to Assembly Winter 2025 for Thursday, February 20th! Come and enjoy the ECL ‘25: Winter - Elite Finals and hang out with the community. Once you’ve purchased your license, fill out this form to apply for your free ticket. Act fast—tickets are available on a first-come, first-served basis. We would also love to see attendees from outside of Finland join us for the Finals event. If you’re interested, please fill out this form so we can assist you with travel advice and answer any questions you may have. Stay tuned for more news about Assembly Winter 2025 and read more about the event itself at https://assembly.org/en/events/winter25. SportsGamer Health & Performance Program Get premium access to the SportsGamer Health & Performance Program, free for an extended period to help you reach your peak performance. Introducing the SportsGamer Health Program, a cutting-edge wellness platform with content specifically designed for gamers. While the platform offers a comprehensive range of workouts, home exercises, and courses, it also includes specialized content to boost your gaming performance. All materials are crafted by leading fitness professionals, ensuring you get the best in physical training. The program features gamification elements, making it fun and engaging to stay active on the platform. Additionally, it includes a dedicated section of short lectures from professional mental coaches, helping you dive deeper into individual and team-based approaches to gaming. This blend of physical and mental training ensures that you can stay healthy and sharp, both in and out of the game We’re excited to share more details with you as we approach the start of the new season. In the meantime, we’re seeking volunteers to test out the platform and its content as we continue to develop it. We’re looking for a small, diverse group of people of all ages, nationalities, and physical conditions. So, whatever your situation, if this sounds interesting to you, please fill out this form to apply. New Initiative - Social Program We’re committed to growing NHL gaming and esports! As part of a new initiative, we want to inspire teams and players to focus on their social media presence. We’re excited to showcase the best goals, biggest hits, and epic fails, and highlight them across SportsGamer broadcasts, programs, and social platforms. Introducing the ECL Social Program – designed to spotlight the best content from around the league and reward those who go the extra mile. While we’ll be focusing on video content, exceptional overall social media coverage is also appreciated. Stay tuned for more details and specifics on how you can get involved! Rule Changes & Community Opinion We would like to raise two items up for a community vote and open up the floor for discussion. Zone & Superstar Abilities - Yay or nay? For the ECL ‘24: Spring season we decided to ban a selection of Zone & Superstar Abilities. As NHL 25 is a new release, and we haven't had a chance to test it out yet, our initial instinct is to start with a clean slate and not ban any abilities until the community gets to know the new game and has a chance to make up its mind about whether the abilities are working or not. While we have preliminarily set our minds on not banning any abilities for the first season, we welcome the discussion and would love to hear your opinion. You can discuss player abilities here. Are there some rule-related changes we’ve missed? Now is your chance to discuss and suggest what type of changes you would like to see in the rulebook. Sign up NOW for the ECL '25: Pre-season tournament and stay tuned for the official kick-off of the ECL ’25: Winter Signups, launching mid-September! Edit: Added clarification to Qualifier date.
    3 points
  43. Free D for upcoming tournaments https://sportsgamer.gg/players/11177
    3 points
  44. ROBE Esports (Pro) We are Looking for starter rd Pro/elite experience Contact me here or discord tihizu
    3 points
  45. 🟣 NOVA 🟣 (ECL Pro) Lets have some fun again) We want someone who will make us better. Mostly all positions are negotiable, but firstly we are looking for C, then LW/RW is an option too. The plan is like - get higher in the standings, win first playoff series, win second playoff series, win third playoff series... I guess you understood) We need proven players, but if you feel you will do good - thats also a good sign. write me anywhere you would find me answering.
    3 points
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