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  1. SportsGamers, As we approach the end of the ECL '24: Winter season, we still have the best of the ECL Pro division remaining. Four teams, two of whom will make it to the coveted final, but only one of them can be crowned champion of the Pro division. As always, the playoffs are the most exciting time of the year, and this season is no exception; underdogs prevail, and new names come up clutch for their team when they need them the most. Goalies, carrying their team. In this preview, we’ll take a look at both matchups, some of the players, and everything in between. Schedule Playoffs (BO7) Semifinals: 18.-23.1. Finals: 25.-29.1. * Promotion Battles: 1.-7.2. * Dates are subject to change as broadcast productions are confirmed. Semifinal Previews: Matchup 1 Gotham Knights (1) vs GIFU Hockey (7) In this highly anticipated semifinal matchup, GIFU Hockey and Gotham Knights are set to clash on the ice in a battle that promises to be a thrilling showcase of skill and determination. Both have worked hard enough to earn a spot in the finals, but only one of these teams can make it. Both teams have been at it for a long time. Knights under a few different names and different players. GIFU have grinded their way in Pro for a long time, and when I say long, I mean a very long time. From ECL 11 in Lite to playing Pro qualifiers not that many months ago. With a strong quarterfinal showdown by GIFU, they will take this momentum to the regular season winners and hope to ride this wave to a championship. It’s been a pleasure watching them for a long time now and seeing their success. With a little mix of that Swedish talent, they have now taken their club to a spot where they will end up with some prize money - now it’s up to them to grow the amount of the winnings. With their goalie @Sundstroom absolutely standing on his head in these playoffs for GIFU, there are not a lot of teams that can break him. An 87.84 save percentage and 1.61 goals against average is something not many can achieve in the Pro regular season, yet somehow he managed to up his game in the playoffs, with an astounding 90.23 save percentage and 1.3 goals against average so far. Don't, however, take anything away from GIFU Hockey's magnificent team defense in front of their star goalie who right now looks like a lock for playoffs MVP for GIFU Hockey. 21 points so far for all of Gifu Hockey forwards - this should come in handy when the game is on the line, as it's tough to defend a team where everybody puts up points. Let us not forget the best team in the regular season, Gotham Knights, impressive all around for this team. Most of their team have at some point in their career played at the highest level of European virtual hockey - ECL Elite. That should tell us all we need to know: they are all extremely skilled and GIFU Hockey will be walking into their toughest matchup yet so far this season. When these two teams met in the regular season both teams took home 3 points, with both games being 1 goal games. If this does not excite you, I don’t know what will! This is ECL at its best. With Gotham Knights boasting the best offense in ECL Pro this season with 107 goals, if they can break GIFU Hockey's defense, this will be a short series. With the likes of @Rimpe (Rimpe37) leading the team, and @keranee not far behind, this team is also stacked on defense with a guy most of us NHLers know, @iilmarii, 8 games, 5+17. Not only does he lead the playoffs among defencemen in points, but he is 5th in points for all skaters, yes 5th! So be sure to tune in for some great hockey between these two teams! Keys to the matchups: 1. Offense, offense, offense: Can GIFU match the offense of Gotham Knights? Most likely not, but will that stop them? Don't count on that. If they can, GIFU will take the series and advance. 2. Goalies: Specifically, the one this writer has been following these playoffs. Can he be the star we’ve seen he can be, or will the highest-scoring offense in ECL Pro finally get to him? 3. Nerves: Whose hands are shaking when it matters the most? With a tie game in game 7, who has the nerves to make that final play that takes their team to the final? Prediction: Hifk_fani: 4-2 Gotham Knights @ripKeisari: 4-1 Gotham Knights Interviews We had a chance to talk to both teams before the matchup - here's what they had to say. What are the biggest changes in your team from last season? Gotham: "We are a completely new roster coming up to this season, but we already were familiar faces and friends with each other so it was easy to start grinding together this fall." GIFU: "The team has changed quite a lot, there were a lot of twists and turns in the offseason. Three new guys were brought in over the summer, and since then we've been working together. Playing-wise, maybe the biggest change has been that we've been better with the puck and much better both on defense and offense. Overall, a pretty big change." How are you preparing for this upcoming semifinal against your opponent? Gotham: "We have a good flow going on right now so we just try to play as much as possible to keep that going." GIFU: "Gotham is by far the toughest team we played against in the regular season and we know that this is not going to be easy. It's pretty well known how they play and we'll try to hit them. But in the big picture, we will try to play with our strengths and see where it is enough." How do you feel your game compares to that of your opponent? Gotham: "GIFU plays really solid team defense with amazing goaltending. Also, they rely a lot on punishing opponents on counter attacks. We more or less like to control the puck and play as much as possible in the offensive zone. So it's gonna be an interesting series." GIFU: "Gotham likes to play a lot with the puck and they are very good at rubbing the pressure on the puck, while we play pretty straightforward. We managed to win the second game of the regular season, but it wasn't easy. Quite a lot of squatting on the defensive end. The guy plays with good composure, we could learn from it sometimes, even though it's good to be straightforward." Series predictions: Gotham: "The better team wins." GIFU: "Let's hope it will be a steady and entertaining series, it would be boring if Gotham didn't lose any games in the playoffs. G7 OT ordered! Can @ReDMisTi keep his head calm in the faceoff circle when I tie him up, and all of a sudden make a stick lift?" How to follow the series The series kicks off tonight at 19:30 CET. Gotham Knights feed: https://www.twitch.tv/redmisti GIFU Hockey feed: https://www.twitch.tv/Azzez_88 Semifinal Previews: Matchup 2 Purification (2) vs Renascor (4) One of the more defensive-minded matchups in these playoffs between Purification and Renascor will be as exciting as a masters chess match, which will be defined by the stalwart defense and special teams' play. These two teams have a lot to play for and hopefully, we’ll get a series that goes beyond 6 games. With a good regular season by Purification, they set themselves up well for the playoffs with the number 2 seed and 2.32 points per game in the regular season. Only Gotham Knights was able to beat that by a slim margin of .05 points per game and taking the number one seed. @LaxenHD is paving the way for Purification in the playoffs with a strong performance so far in these playoffs with 19 goals in only 14 games. As such he will definitely throw his hat in the ring for MVP of these playoffs if Purification can take themselves to the finals. Another impressive postseason performance should be mentioned: the guy between the pipes - @karlssonadam_ - this season for Purification. He has been stealing games and with an impressive 1.50 GAA in the regular season, it can be said if he keeps this up, it won't be long before the Elite teams come knocking. Can Purification keep up their defensive prowess? Will Laxenhd score even more goals? Renascor on the other hand has had the same core of players for a while now with talented centerman @Virusactive leading the way in the regular season. We’ll see if the rest of Renascor can step up and help out their captain. With 117 penalty minutes (3rd most of all playoff teams) in the regular season, if you in the playoffs let a team like Purification on the powerplay too often, you make winning games an awful lot harder. Hopefully, with the trusty combination of defenceman for Renascor in @Motov (motzzyy) and @Serg1vratar (nyambl4) they will take on a defense-first Purification. Can the captain of Renascor contain the sometimes overeager on offense motzzyy? Can the boys in red white and blue overcome the hard defence of Purification? Will Renascor have enough firepower to reach the final? Key to the Matchup: 1. Goalies: In my very faded memory of these two teams, whoever comes out with the better goalie in this series takes the win and advances. Cold hard nerves of the young Swede vs the older goalie for the Russians 2. Left-wingers: @Oxdoggi vs Laxenhd, both are extremely talented, both are 200-foot players with a good eye for the goal 3. Special teams: If Renascor can’t stay out of the box, this series will end fast. Predictions: hifk_fani: 4-1 Purification @ripKeisari 4-1 Purification Interviews We had a chance to talk to both teams before the matchup - here's what they had to say. What are the biggest changes in your team from last season? Purification: "We have two new players in the starting lineup, Johansson with a big push for our offense game, and Adam, one of the best goalies in the Pro League." Renascor: "We haven’t changed much, we only got another goalie, who performs as great as most goalies who play with us." How are you preparing for this upcoming semifinal against your opponent? Purification: "Just try to focus on our game and stick to our game plan." Renascor: "Some vod watching, applying the tasks." How do you feel your game compares to that of your opponent? Purification: "They play with forces and with speed and the big tipper ability. We try to play cycle hockey and controlled hockey." Renascor: "Both teams like to fast-attack opponents" Prediction? Purification: "Tight series, 4-3, game 7 and we take the W" Renascor: "Series: 4:2 Renascor" How to follow the series The series continues tonight at 21:00 CET. Purification leads 2-0. Purification feed: http://twitch.tv/PurificationNHL Renascor feed: https://www.twitch.tv/Renascor_NHL ECL '24: Winter - Pro Prize Pool: Social media: Twitter: When posting tweets of your lineups, matchups, recaps, clips, articles - or any other content you might want to create - please make sure to tag the following accounts and hashtags when possible: @SportsGamerGG #ECL24Winter #eHockey #NHL24 #esports #kouvolanlakritsi Instagram: When posting on Instagram, please make sure to tag the following accounts and hashtags when possible: @SportsGamerGG #ECL24Winter #eHockey #NHL24 #esports #kouvolanlakritsi We wish all teams the best of luck! PS: We are looking for writers: If you are interested in contributing to making the ECL coverage better, please get in touch with @Kenu.
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