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  1. Yesterday
  2. Nordic Falcons (Neo) We are looking for a goalie that want to play 50/50 or first goalie! Contact me here or on discord MrBumban1
  3. I think Rocket League is about as close as you can get to a pure skill-based game in anything remotely similar to NHL. I know a lot of people think a hockey game should have a lot of randomness to it because it's in the nature of the sport, but personally I wish EA took a page out of Psyonix's book to better cater to those of us dreaming of an unadulterated competitive experience where outcomes are determined almost exclusively by our actions (of course some other variables are inevitable, such as how lag compensation is implemented in the netcode).
  4. Sopranos (Core) We are looking for a BACKUP GOALIE. But u can get playtimes for practice games. contact here @bnkoXD or discord bnkoXD
  5. Bumpity Bump. Lainatussa viestissä alkuperäinen rekry / Please read the quoted message for more information. Still looking players for the ECL Winter (Playstation). Edelleen etsitään pelaajia ECL Winter (Playstation) mittelöihin. 👉Nordic Macabre discord: https://discord.gg/7avHnvrD 👉Nordic Macabre (ECL Winter): https://sportsgamer.gg/leagues/402/teams/5013
  6. BanThemAll +1 But, potentially unpopular opinion for future games: Bring back the pre-made builds from NHL 16 or don't have any builds at all. I personally do not like when the outcome potentially gets decided on your skills of building your character. One may argue that you instead move the responsibility for the meta to the developers but hear me out I draw my eyes to how a game like Rocket League survives - the meta building comes mainly from how the game is played and how skilled you are at handling the mechanics. I am aware that the comparison is not fair due to wildly different games and I do know that the biggest deciding factor to the outcome in our game is how good you and your team plays/can handle the mechanics, but I want to catch the jist of it I want a game where the competitive scene has as little intervention from manipulated stats, RNG and other factors that can be manipulated as possible. Of course RL has their tweaking to stats and what not, but I find it more controlled since the player can only manipulate it to a very limited extent Of course there are other ways to get an edge - like how you set up your game, which hardware you use etc but what I personally don't want is a game where the actual game is to have a setup master race even though it is inevitable. But maybe minimizing it makes for a more even playfield
  7. Davemiehet looking for 1x LW or RW player. We are playing ECL Neo next season. (PSN) Contact via Discord (Sumppii) or here if you are interested.
  8. Davemiehet looking for 1x LW or RW player. We are playing ECL Neo next season. (PSN) Contact via Discord (Sumppii) or here if you are interested.
  9. Hallo Guys, The Hockeyholics search a experienced Defender for the ECL Lite. We are a German Team but can speak English also (Discord or PSN Party) When you are interested send me a pn here or in Discord (GregsonTV)
  10. Last week
  11. Niinno joo täysin totta kun alustapalvelusta kyse, sillon twitch tarvis ne oikeudet 👍
  12. Kyselin yhdeltä musa-alalla työskentelevältä tyypiltä asiasta. Se sanoi että ongelma on twitchissä. Pelissä on riittävät luvat ja omistukset biiseihin, mutta twitchillä ei ole kyseisiä lupia.
  13. Valikkomusat ei oo EA:n omaa musaa ja vaikka oliskin niin sulla pitäs viel lisäks olla levitysoikeudet kyseisiin biiseihin. Eli valikkomusat pois päältä ni se o siin
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