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  1. Today
  2. The Evolution (Ecl spring lite) We are looking for starter RD and LW We are a team with a alot off motivation that wants to go far if u are interested for tryout text psn: davve_78 or dc: davve_78
  3. Yesterday
  4. https://youtu.be/4JXNTDqYjEQ?si=g1hOd9KMNrox99TS
  5. Game over e sports are looking for goalie next season. We play in lite or core next season. Finnish team 😃 Welcome to tryout! Discord: Itukka79 or private message sports gamer
  6. Maybe they also shouldn’t have lied and faked the conversations to staff. Also, it’s not difficult to be not racist.
  7. SG has no power to ban private communication
  8. Last week
  9. ECL "25 Winter PRO regular season recap part 1/2!
  10. ECL '25: Winter Elite | Matchday 11 | The Black Jacks vs. Heimo | Highlights ♠️
  11. ECL '25: Winter Elite | Matchday 10 | The Black Jacks vs. Mythix | Highlights ♠️
  12. ECL '25: Winter Elite | Matchday 9 | The Black Jacks vs. Voittamaton | Highlights ♠️
  13. ECL '25: Winter Elite | Matchday 8 | The Black Jacks vs. EXEN | Highlights ♠️
  14. FA Goalie looking for a Semi decent and organized team. Mainly played ECL Newcomers and ITHL league. 82-83% avg both leagues (Played for the same team that didnt have any defence🤷‍♂️) Discord: skydiegame
  15. LW: Vattuyy, x-_-BoBi-_-x , Ojala16, Lxndstrom, Keuschemisch C : Beniittto, Patzlaf, Harlowi, Mozjayh, Brockela22 RW: Nikkedangles,Eki, Profiilipakki ,Itspardytime, Pikkarii LD: Tomboo-_- , Kkarkass, xDoumi, Toneee9, Kungenkirwa RD: Teemuyy, Easychasniper2, Wengerii, Flyerkungen, Wedux_ G: Stammer70 , UhNikke, Hansulinho, FinSere, Kazzu
  16. As this is a list from current season i will not take old merits into account. Don´t get me wrong, Exen forwards are one of the top players in the game but they heavily underperformed this season. Maybe just saving for the playoffs😉 Also take note that this list is heavily based on how these players played vs us. LW: Vattuyy, xAaro89x, ojala16, Keuschemisch, x-_-BoBi-_-x C : Beniittto, launonenxx, Harlowi, Patzlaf, Mozja RW: NikkeDangles, itspardytime, Eki, antoniomannen, profiilipakki LD: Tomboo-_-, karkass, xDoumi, Toneee9, Nuarijamal RD: Teemuyy, wengerii, Flyerkungen, Misee96, Easychasniper2 G: FinSere, UhNikke, Hansulinho, Benuh, Stammer70
  17. LW: xAaro89x, x-_-BoBi-_-x, ojala16, Lxndstrom, cTunkeilija C : Patzlaf, launonenxx, Mozja, Harlowi, Brockela RW: Eki, itspardytime, allupekkaz, pikkarii, antoniomannen LD: Doumi, Jamaltheman, Nuarijamal, Karkass, Toneee9 RD: Psykoskills, wengerii, Misee96, Flyerkungen, Wedux G: Stammer70, LatveX, Benuh, kazzu, Hansu
  18. Free G looking club for next season pro/elite. Best way to contact me is through discord : sakke3069 or ps: saketheengiueer
  19. Vi kommer att skicka in en anmälan pga att cheeky grinders ljuger oss rakt i ansiktet och säger att dom inte kan spela denna vecka, då ställer vi upp och spelar med backup Målvakten våran för att underlätta för dom, då får vi höra att dom lämnar wo mot Björklöven pga att dom skall spela mot oss samma tid... Sedan ser vi att dom visste kan spela denna vecka... Detta är riktigt illa på alla vis... Vi hade ju inte behövt ställa upp på dom igår för dom inte kan planera och göra sitt jobb... Mvh Henrik 🖐️
  20. Looking for a team to join I have a few seasons experience in ECL NEO as well as in the playoffs. I also have experience in a few other leagues. I’m happy to stay in NEO or move up to CORE. I’m also available for GCL when that is up and running. I only speak English but I am happy to use a translator app to communicate with people. If you’re looking for a goalie feel free to drop me a message.
  21. Xbox Maksimovskyy free C/LW/LD for Core/Neo I have big experience in nhl, but I’m new here
  22. PSN kashtan_v looking for a club on ECL position ld/lw/c https://sportsgamer.gg/players/6118
  23. The SportsGamer Wraparound looks to bring you weekly conversations around the league, recapping some of the events around the divisions throughout the week. Remember to post your highlights on socials using the hashtag #ECL25Clips and reach out if you would be interested in appearing on the Wraparound in the form of interviews or additional content. We’re thrilled to launch a special perk for our valued ECL License holders: 🎁 3 Months FREE Membership to the SportsGamer Health & Performance Program! This program is designed to support your journey toward enhanced performance and well-being—both in and out of the game. Gain access to tools and resources aimed at improving your performance, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, and staying at the top of your game. To claim your free membership as an ECL '25 Player License, simply check your email - we have sent you an email with the link and code to start your your journey. In case you can't find it - be sure to check your spam folder just in case.   Limited Time Offer: Get a free ticket to Assembly Winter 2025 on Thursday, February 20th! Come and enjoy the ECL ‘25: Winter - Elite Finals and hang out with the community. Once you’ve purchased your ECL license, fill out this form to apply for your free ticket. Act fast—tickets are available on a first-come, first-served basis. https://forms.gle/eZdDm63kdv3ksa4L9    
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