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  2. Moro! Golden Whalers on tehnyt paluun kaukaloon 3 vuoden tauon jälkeen ja etsii 1-3 täytepelaajaa tällä hetkellä käynnissä olevaan ITHL -turnaukseen ja myöhemmin alkavaan ECL:ään. Tarkoitus olisi lähteä Neoon haistelemaan tunnelmaa ja kehittää niin omaa kuin joukkueen pelaamista. Hyvänä päivänä pärjätään low-lite porukkaa vastaan ja huonona päivänä otetaan selkään Neon porukalta. Eli potentiaalia on kunhan saadaan tasaisuutta otteisiin, virheet minimoitua ja kaikki samalle sivulle mitä kukin tekee yms. 😗 Elikkä haussa olisi: 1-3 lähtökohtaisesti täytepelaajaa ja mitä useampi pelipaikka onnistuu sen parempi. Lähtökohtaisesti pelipaikat missä eniten peliaikaa on tarjolla on LW sekä C. <- Hyvillä näytöillä ei tarvi istua penkillä. Suomen kieli on vähintään ymmärtämisen tasolla, muuten ei kansalaisuudella väliä. Avaussyöttö napsuu mieluusti oman pelaajan lapaan Näet muutakin hyökkäysalueella kuin sen oman löysän etukulmarannarin Pääset peleille 3-5 kertaa viikossa -> Ns. 1 treenipäivä ja 2 pelipäivää Kunnioitat muiden aikatauluja ja joukkuetta -> Et kesken sarjapelin lähde avaamaan ovea pilveä polttavalle serkullesi Tarjolla: Peliaikaa Rento ilmapiiri Rahaa !!!!!!! (Jos teet ratkaisevan maalin millä pääsee pleijareihin niin pistän euron mobilepaylla) Viestiä voit pistää joko täällä, pleikkarilla tai discordissa. Näistä pleikkari ja discord on parhaimmat tavat saada nopea vastaus. PSN: Rairama Discord: rairama
  3. Only LD needed now, lite experience required pm for tryout Sonnysprofil
  4. Today
  5. It is just what kind of gameplay I prefer. As an occasional viewer of Sportsgamer streams it would make the games more interesting to watch...for me. I don't say it is something that needs to be, it is just what I prefer. In the end the owner of this Sportsgamer product is the one who decides what kind of gameplay is the best for the product.
  6. Why would there need to be variations with the player builds? Ofc people are gonna play with the meta builds cuz this site is made for competitive gaming.
  7. For goalie without abilities is nothing changing, but when skaters dont have golden silver close quarter one timers, game actualy is playable, and they need to beat you out of position no easy goals, i would love to see that more. Of course its harder to play with traits, its makes more challange for teams to cover spots and goalies to be perfect how much they can, thats the only good reason for keeping traits. its hard decision to make.
  8. In my opinion, this has nothing to do with competitiveness. Competitiveness remains as long as everyone has the same options available. This is more about what kind of gameplay each person prefers. Banning only some abilities favors a specific playstyle and team tactics. It takes away depth from the game. I believe that banning all X-Factors and Superstar abilities adds more depth to the game. If you want to shine in a certain area with your character, you have to sacrifice points from another. You can't compensate your characters mediocre skills with special abilities. Without these special abilities, there is at least hope that we will start to see variations between player builds.
  9. Yesterday
  10. Ban truculence, big tipper, uf, no contest. Then we have the most competitive game we can have. Gameplay without traits aint it
  11. Free RD For upcoming tournaments Message me here/dc/- or PSN Kahvinpapu😄
  12. Hallo zusammen, wir sind die Snow Dogs Nordhessen. Ein neues Team in World of Chel. Du bist ein Newcomer oder suchst nach einem neuen Club sowie einer neuen Herausforderung? Dann bist du hier genau richtig! Wir sind aktuell auf der Suche nach Spielern, die vorallem bock auf das Projekt haben! Wir suchen aktuell Verteidiger! Unser Team ist jung, motiviert und zielstrebig was die Zukunft angeht. Wir bieten eine großartige Mischung aus verschiedenen Spielertypen und legen großen Wert auf Teamgeist! Unser Training findet immer an den folgenden Wochentagen statt: Dienstags, Donnerstags und Samstags ab 19:00 Uhr jeweils mit offenem Ende. Wir erwarten eine gewisse Aktivität sowie ein grundlegendes Spielverständnis. Für die Zukunft planen wir an Turnieren wie der GCL, HHOL usw. teilzunehmen. Wenn wir dein Interesse geweckt haben, dann melde dich gern bei uns für ein Probetraining. Wir freuen uns darauf dich kennenzulernen! Mit sportlichen Grüßen Das Team der Snow Dogs Nordhessen
  13. UP! Still looking for backup for f/d for FCL! Best grips are rewarded with game time.
  14. Free G for FCL. Contact me here or playstation: Jeskamareee - cheers!
  15. VID-20190704-WA0004.mp4 Well done my friends 👏👏👏
  16. Free agents looking for a team neo/core c/rw psn: simppa711 discord: s1mondarby goalie can play defense also psn: stevie_harvey discord: bababooya__ we want a team that is active. language: finnish/english
  17. We have crowned another Champion as Silver Sword Griffins took home the title in the Core division after a thrilling seven-game series against KOST Wolves. After a dominant regular season, which saw SSG heading into the playoffs as the number one seed, they continued to show their excellence throughout the playoffs. Huge congratulations to the Latvian side for the Championship and congratulations as well to KOST Wolves and Rusty X for their second and third-place finishes! The Silver Sword Griffins have been around since the very first ECL tournament and are known to be the Latvian powerhouse. With some of their current players having played in some of those very first tournaments they truly are one of the longest standing teams in the ECL. After a great regular season, the team headed into the playoffs as the number 1 seed. In the postseason they went through round by round without much trouble but in the finals, they found themselves in a difficult spot. After winning the first game they lost three games in a row and were their back against the wall heading into the third period of game 5 being down by two goals. That period ended up being the turning point of the series as they managed to tie the game in the last minute and took the win home in OT. A dominant 6-2 victory in game 6 saw them heading into the deciding game seven with all the momentum and they used it.  @LATMinx has been with the team from day one and was their MVP of the season, scoring 20 points in the finals series, and finishing the playoffs with an impressive 38+38=72 point total.   We got a chance to interview SSG's left defenceman Linards @Lxnards Logins after clinching the title, you can watch it below.   Road to Championship: Regular season: 17-1-1-1, 54 points, 1st in Group 3 and Seed 1 Round 1: 4-2 vs EV Duisburg Round 2: 4-1 vs Salaseura Quarterfinals: 4-1 vs HC Last Resort Semifinals: 4-1 vs Rusty X Finals: 4-3 vs KOST Wolves Championship Roster Mārtiņš @martinssilins Siliņš (C) Kristaps @kriteris Grinfelds (A) Robert @LATMinx Zariņš (A) Edgars @Shmiha99 Naida Linards @Lxnards Logins Gatis @gacorigavecit17 Klekers Henrihs @Rocket_Science72 Lazdāns Kristaps @CapinsH-LV Zūdiņš   Thank you for the great season and once again Congratulations to the Silver Sword Griffins!  
  18. up up up!!!
  19. free g for lite/pro https://sportsgamer.gg/players/14945 lite starter pro can be 50/50
  20. UP! Still looking goalies
  21. Free C/LW/LD for upcoming tournaments neo/core (right hand) I can be 50/50 (back up) Xbox ID Maksimovskyy or PSN Maksimovskyy (for voice chat)
  22. Free D for upcoming tournaments. https://sportsgamer.gg/players/3323 Contact here or psn: Kaalepp
  23. Free LW for next ECL core/lite https://sportsgamer.gg/players/14171 contact here or discord: nikezuki
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