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ECL Final preview


ECL Finals will start Tuesday 20 CET and here is a preview for this great grand finale of the season. There will be 2 games on Tuesday and I have interviewed Pazlaf (Carlsberg HC) and hooneli (Nordic Blizzard). They will answer to few questions regarding to the season behind of us and add some comments of the upcoming final. They both will also rate each other starting rosters as if they would be real players in NHL 16 with few comments also on these players! There will be also poll, about who you think will win first ECL! I hope you enjoy, let’s start!

Well hello guys and congratulations for reaching the ECL Finals!

Pazlaf: Thank you SeRe! We achieved our goal.

hooneli: Thank you! We are so hyped up about Tuesday!


Do you think that this is the righteous final tandem?

Pazlaf: In my opinion yes. Nordic Blizzard has been impressive this season and they deserve spot on finals.

hooneli: Absolutely. Both of the teams have been travelling long road to this point and have won numerous of best of 7 series so it’s not a coincidence that these teams are in the final. Tournament has been surely most competitive tournament ever and it’s nice to see 2 PlayStation teams to reach finals. But I have to add to this that we got world class players from Xbox; without them we probably wouldn’t be in finals.


Which are the teams you had hardest time this season?

Pazlaf: Dynasty, Northern Stars and specially Sjukstugan. Sjukstugan gave us extremely tough challenge and they even could have gone to finals themselves.

hooneli: THE UNITED KNIGHTS absolutely. Even though we won 4-0 it didn’t tell anything about the series. Games were tight and winning was extremely hard.


How will you proceed to the finals?

Pazlaf: We have to have puck control if we want to win. Defense has always been struggle for us but in this season it has been extremely good.

hooneli: We are not going to change anything. Our game is working perfectly in both ends and we are still going to play with our strengths which are defending with 5 players and teamwork. We will continue with hard working diarrhea hockey.


MVP’s of your team this season?

Pazlaf: Whole team has played well all season but joukki13, vatalisti and vepe- have been playing better as the season has proceeded.

hooneli: Very hard question. Our team doesn’t have any weak links since that is the main point of our game. Result comes with working together. Despite of this I have to mention our center from Xbox who you know as Dominointi (Seppo). He doesn’t have any weaknesses and is extremely sangfroid when we need someone to step up. I also have to mention our defenders since without them we wouldn’t be here. DieCutterMC (Ulla) and esajorma have been this teams backbone throughout the playoffs. Wingers have been just circling rounds on the rink when defenders and center have been carrying this team. Also our goalie FINSeRe has been playing well.


Some regards to the ECL Community?

Pazlaf: Enjoy the finals. Hopefully we can have unforgettable series. I also want to thank admins and all the people who have been able to make this tournament happen.

hooneli: I want to thank everyone who have been in this tournament and have made this most competitive EASHL tournament possible. I also want to send warm regards to those who write on the chatbox, they are super fun to read and they offer better entertainment than TV-shows nowadays. Hopefully finals will interest this EASHL-scene and we would have lots of viewers on the stream. Thank you and hopefully we see lots of old teams in the next tournament!



Starting roster of Calrsberg HC (Rated by hooneli)


joukki13   – Pazlaf (C)   –   plee999


vatalisti   –   F-B-I__A-N-D-Y__




joukki13 LW, 90 overall

43 games: 88+59=147 +103, (3,42 PPG)

46 PIM


‘’He has great stats but he is still little bit unknown for me. Despite of this he has shown what kind of threat he has been. We saw that on semifinals where joukki13 was great against Northern Stars, he had around 2 goals per game. Unluckily for him he is going to play on my wing so he will be pointless in finals ;)’’


Pazlaf C, 92 overall

34 games: 32+57=89 +87, (2,62 PPG)

35 PIM


52,8% FOW%

‘’Backbone of Carlsberg HC. Great passer who plays nicely in both ends and knows also how to settle the game when needed. I won my first EHL championship with him, so I know him very well.’’


plee999 RW, 90 overall

25 games: 32+42=74 +56, (2,96 PPG)

24 PIM


‘’Pretty new name on EASHL-scene but he has lots of skill and potential. He is able to do surprising moves on the rink and is very lethal in offensive zone.’’


vatalisti LD, 85 overall

41 games: 8+55=63 +101

41 PIM

113 HITS

‘’(Don’t know enough of him)’’


F-B-I__A-N-D-Y__ RD, 85 overall

17 games: 15+25=40 +45

20 PIM


‘’(Don’t know enough of him)’’


vepe- G, 90 overall

42 games: 35 wins, (83,3% WIN%)

76,06%, 1,73 GAA

8 SO


‘’Great old ‘’Pig Harri’’ has played in our team years ago and I know him to be elite goalie unless he has holes on his old pads.’’


Starting roster of Nordic Blizzard (Rated by Pazlaf)


Hansulinho   – Dominointi   –   hooneli (C)


Selarit   –   esajorma




Hansulinho LW, 91 overall

21 games: 34+48=82 +50, (3,9 PPG)



 ‘’One of the most dangerous attackers in EASHL. He has point per game average nearly 4 in this season. Hopefully our defenders won’t have hard time with him.’’


Dominointi C, 94 overall

31 games: 48+57=105 +62, (3,39 PPG)

16 PIM

11 GWG

61,9% FOW%

‘’Most unknown player for me from Nordic Blizzard roster but what I have seen is just dominating. He is really clever player in both ends of the rink. My most important job is to keep him shadowed in the finals. Keep your head up!’’


hooneli RW, 90 overall

33 games: 39+49=88 +67 (2,67 PPG)

30 PIM


‘’Captain of the team, great player about which I have only good memories from my time in Nordic Blizzard. Dangerous goal scorer who also has the hands to pass the puck.’’ 


Selarit LD, 87 overall

19 games: 5+14=19 +35

24 PIM


‘’Gift of Rauma to the hockey world. Backbone of the defense.’’ 


esajorma RD, 88 overall

20 games: 5+28=33 +48

16 PIM


‘’One of the best offensive minded defenders in EASHL. If we give him too much time on the blueline we are going to have trouble.’’


FINSeRe G, 91 overall

39 games: 34 wins, (87,2% WIN%)

77,18%, 2,20 GAA

4 SO


‘’This guy can be the one who denies our championship. Experienced elite goalie who rarely has bad days. Number 1 candidate for Vezina?’’



Everything is ready for the finals ! Hope you are as hyped as I am and be sure to check out streams (I'm streaming at least for sure) and cheer your team to victory ! Hope you liked this post and show your support by liking/ commenting and checking my social media !


See you later!








Recommended Comments

5 minutes ago, vatalisti said:

Sere it's Patzlaf :o

Yeah I realized, but I can't edit the text. Whole forum is somehow glitched :S

Anyways vatalisti is right; it's Patzlaf*

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So... Like, half of that Nordic team is Laser HT guys from Xbox. Good to see at least some Xbox guys in the finals.

Also, this giving each other videogame ratings thing is a lame gimmick in my opinion. But I mean, to each his own, you guys... The rest of the interviews is fine.

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26 minutes ago, Billy44205 said:

So... Like, half of that Nordic team is Laser HT guys from Xbox. Good to see at least some Xbox guys in the finals.

Also, this giving each other videogame ratings thing is a lame gimmick in my opinion. But I mean, to each his own, you guys... The rest of the interviews is fine.

We did it just for fun, I thought that simple interview might be little too boring so I wanted to add something more extra and publishing lineups before makes ite little bit more official also :D

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Joukki just 90 overall, and vatalisti 85 overall lol ? how joukki can be unknown ?! Where have you been living all these years ? ?

Edited by Tuukka.R
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Nhl 15 didn't have eashl on ps4 and we didn't play on ps3 anymore. I agree and believe you that those overalls are probably inaccurate and that overall thing is pretty much made for fun and it's not based on a real stats. More like a directive fun thing to have. ''Just 90 overall''? Is that really a bad overall to have? Could you enlighten me which top team did Joukki play before nhl 15 and how would you rate him and why? Also you could tell me something about vatalisti since you seem to know him. :)

Thanks already! ps. Its game day!

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Well joukkis rate is too small, i know this rate are for fun and i like idea very much, but joukki was point leader in regular season so i believe 90 overall is wrong. And why ex clubs matter ? He is greatest lw in tournament... Vatalisti is amazing D look like how ever mades these overalls maybe didnt know these people. So that might be reason why overalls are maybe false . 

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Well usually good players play in great teams and that's how you usually get to know those guys. + You said where I've been all these year(s) so that gives me a picture that he has been playing on top & elite level many years. So it matters a lot from ''knowing'' point of view. Greatest LW in tournament because he is point leader? Is that the argument? I don't agree with you if that's the case. Being greatest requires much more than scoring points in my opinion. Your argument for vatalisti is '' he is amazing D ''? I think both are great players and should have more recognition but you didn't bring much into this debate. 

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But u cant say that for example someones is top because he was in good club in NHL 14. So much new in this game, new skill stick, now need more passing. And another things like that. For example pleemaker wasnt good in ps3, most reason difference skill stick nowadays he is amazing. U should watch skill in this game because new game bring new talents, ofc u cant know all these people but u should watch what they have done in this nhl, because that i think 90 overall to joukki is too small. This is just my opinion. I guess joukki dont care what overall he have... :) Both teams have great players ill enjoy watching the final! Hope u guys give us a good show!!! :) 

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Guys I think you're arguing because the overall rating is not a detailed enough fake videogame rating. Can we get into more specifics please? Like what's that guy's hand-eye rating?? Most importantly what's that guy's durability attribute???

You know... "Advanced" stats and shit...

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