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The ECL (PS4) will start on Monday 14th

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Hey everyone,

Please note that the ECL will be starting on the upcoming Monday and we need all teams to have registered on the league platform by Sunday, so we can create the groups and the schedules. This means that the remaining teams that haven't been created in the league platform should go through the below process during Saturday, so we have time to put them in.

I will be very busy tomorrow, so don't be worried if I don't get back to you immediately. You will have my full attention on Sunday. We will also release the rules and other details during Sunday. I realise it isn't ideal and it would've been good to have the information out sooner, but this is what we have to work with.

Long story short, please sign up your team if you haven't done so, so we can get things moving.

Here's a set of instructions for the team captains, in case I didn't explain them properly before:

  1. Make sure you have an NHLGamer.com account. If you are already a member of the forums, this is what you can use to sign in at the NHLGamer.com main page. Please note that using your email address as your user name doesn't work on the league platform, as pointed out by a few users (thanks for that feedback!). Instead, use your user name and you'll be fine. If you are signed into the forums while visiting NHLGamer.com, you should be signed in automatically.
  2. Create your player card. If you haven't created it yet, you should see a message about it in the league platform (NHLGamer.com). Please note that you should not click "Edit Player card" before having created one (logical error on our side - thanks for the feedback!). When you have created the player card, you are ready to become a captain.
  3. Send me a Private Message on the forums, where you include your team name, the link to your registration and if available, your logo. Feel free to add @Lurkins as a recipient for the message, as he has the possibility to help you out as well.
  4. I will add your team to the team platform as soon as I get a chance. Once I have created the team and assigned you as a captain, you can start inviting yourself and your other team members to the team. Please note, that your team members will have had to create their player card in order to be visible in the league platform for you to invite.
  5. Make sure your teammates accept the invite, so that they are added to your roster. You can add players later, but make sure you have 8 players on your roster by the start of the league.

Any questions, please try asking your fellow gamers on the chat box, or send us a PM. As I mentioned above, I will unfortunately be quite busy during Saturday.

On behalf of the NHL Gamer staff,


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